
The Assistant Watch Full Length Torrent openload Streaming HD 1080p

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Votes: 330






Columnist: Anime Love
Resume I love Haikyuu,Naruto,MHA etc and... Im a multishipper soooo yep. I like reading and drawing (but I’m not so good....yet)


Info: A searing look at a day in the life of an assistant to a powerful executive. As Jane follows her daily routine, she grows increasingly aware of the insidious abuse that threatens every aspect of her position


writed by: Kitty Green

rating: 7 of 10 stars

Audience Score: 468 votes

countries: USA


Oh good McKenna is such a good actress so young and with a perfect accent

The assistant watch full length youtube. I wasn't expecting a horror movie cos I just clicked and watched without reading, I thought it would be about a woman who learns to get over her anxiety and fear of going outside lol. The assistant watch full length free. I am about to post the 3000 most common words in the English lexicon. Wish me luck. a abandon ability able abortion about above abroad absence absolute absolutely absorb abuse academic accept access accident accompany accomplish according account accurate accuse achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquire across act action active activist activity actor actress actual actually ad adapt add addition additional address adequate adjust adjustment administration administrator admire admission admit adolescent adopt adult advance advanced advantage adventure advertising advice advise adviser advocate affair affect afford afraid African African-American after afternoon again against age agency agenda agent aggressive ago agree agreement agricultural ah ahead aid aide AIDS aim air aircraft airline airport album alcohol alive all alliance allow ally almost alone along already also alter alternative although always AM amazing American among amount analysis analyst analyze ancient and anger angle angry animal anniversary announce annual another answer anticipate anxiety any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apparent apparently appeal appear appearance apple application apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximately Arab architect area argue argument arise arm armed army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive art article artist artistic as Asian aside ask asleep aspect assault assert assess assessment asset assign assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assure at athlete athletic atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attention attitude attorney attract attractive attribute audience author authority auto available average avoid award aware awareness away awful baby back background bad badly bag bake balance ball ban band bank bar barely barrel barrier base baseball basic basically basis basket basketball bathroom battery battle be beach bean bear beat beautiful beauty because become bed bedroom beer before begin beginning behavior behind being belief believe bell belong below belt bench bend beneath benefit beside besides best bet better between beyond Bible big bike bill billion bind biological bird birth birthday bit bite black blade blame blanket blind block blood blow blue board boat body bomb bombing bond bone book boom boot border born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom boundary bowl box boy boyfriend brain branch brand bread break breakfast breast breath breathe brick bridge brief briefly bright brilliant bring British broad broken brother brown brush buck budget build building bullet bunch burden burn bury bus business busy but butter button buy buyer by cabin cabinet cable cake calculate call camera camp campaign campus can Canadian cancer candidate cap capability capable capacity capital captain capture car carbon card care career careful carefully carrier carry case cash cast cat catch category Catholic cause ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity cell center central century CEO ceremony certain certainly chain chair chairman challenge chamber champion championship chance change changing channel chapter character characteristic characterize charge charity chart chase cheap check cheek cheese chef chemical chest chicken chief child childhood Chinese chip chocolate choice cholesterol choose Christian Christmas church cigarette circle circumstance cite citizen city civil civilian claim class classic classroom clean clear clearly client climate climb clinic clinical clock close closely closer clothes clothing cloud club clue cluster coach coal coalition coast coat code coffee cognitive cold collapse colleague collect collection collective college colonial color column combination combine come comedy comfort comfortable command commander comment commercial commission commit commitment committee common communicate communication community company compare comparison compete competition competitive competitor complain complaint complete completely complex complicated component compose composition comprehensive computer concentrate concentration concept concern concerned concert conclude conclusion concrete condition conduct conference confidence confident confirm conflict confront confusion Congress congressional connect connection consciousness consensus consequence conservative consider considerable consideration consist consistent constant constantly constitute constitutional construct construction consultant consume consumer consumption contact contain container contemporary content contest context continue continued contract contrast contribute contribution control controversial controversy convention conventional conversation convert conviction convince cook cookie cooking cool cooperation cop cope copy core corn corner corporate corporation correct correspondent cost cotton couch could council counselor count counter country county couple courage course court cousin cover coverage cow crack craft crash crazy cream create creation creative creature credit crew crime criminal crisis criteria critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crowd crucial cry cultural culture cup curious current currently curriculum custom customer cut cycle dad daily damage dance danger dangerous dare dark darkness data date daughter day dead deal dealer dear death debate debt decade decide decision deck declare decline decrease deep deeply deer defeat defend defendant defense defensive deficit define definitely definition degree delay deliver delivery demand democracy Democrat democratic demonstrate demonstration deny department depend dependent depending depict depression depth deputy derive describe description desert deserve design designer desire desk desperate despite destroy destruction detail detailed detect determine develop developing development device devote dialogue die diet differ difference different differently difficult difficulty dig digital dimension dining dinner direct direction directly director dirt dirty disability disagree disappear disaster discipline discourse discover discovery discrimination discuss discussion disease dish dismiss disorder display dispute distance distant distinct distinction distinguish distribute distribution district diverse diversity divide division divorce DNA do doctor document dog domestic dominant dominate door double doubt down downtown dozen draft drag drama dramatic dramatically draw drawing dream dress drink drive driver drop drug dry due during dust duty each eager ear early earn earnings earth ease easily east eastern easy eat economic economics economist economy edge edition editor educate education educational educator effect effective effectively efficiency efficient effort egg eight either elderly elect election electric electricity electronic element elementary eliminate elite else elsewhere e-mail embrace emerge emergency emission emotion emotional emphasis emphasize employ employee employer employment empty enable encounter encourage end enemy energy enforcement engage engine engineer engineering English enhance enjoy enormous enough ensure enter enterprise entertainment entire entirely entrance entry environment environmental episode equal equally equipment era error escape especially essay essential essentially establish establishment estate estimate etc ethics ethnic European evaluate evaluation even evening event eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evolution evolve exact exactly examination examine example exceed excellent except exception exchange exciting executive exercise exhibit exhibition exist existence existing expand expansion expect expectation expense expensive experience experiment expert explain explanation explode explore explosion expose exposure express expression extend extension extensive extent external extra extraordinary extreme extremely eye fabric face facility fact factor factory faculty fade fail failure fair fairly faith fall false familiar family famous fan fantasy far farm farmer fashion fast fat fate father fault favor favorite fear feature federal fee feed feel feeling fellow female fence few fewer fiber fiction field fifteen fifth fifty fight fighter fighting figure file fill film final finally finance financial find finding fine finger finish fire firm first fish fishing fit fitness five fix flag flame flat flavor flee flesh flight float floor flow flower fly focus folk follow following food foot football for force foreign forest forever forget form formal formation former formula forth fortune forward found foundation founder four fourth frame framework free freedom freeze French frequency frequent frequently fresh friend friendly friendship from front fruit frustration fuel full fully fun function fund fundamental funding funeral funny furniture furthermore future gain galaxy gallery game gang gap garage garden garlic gas gate gather gay gaze gear gender gene general generally generate generation genetic gentleman gently German gesture get ghost giant gift gifted girl girlfriend give given glad glance glass global glove go goal God gold golden golf good government governor grab grade gradually graduate grain grand grandfather grandmother grant grass grave gray great greatest green grocery ground group grow growing growth guarantee guard guess guest guide guideline guilty gun guy habit habitat hair half hall hand handful handle hang happen happy hard hardly hat hate have he head headline headquarters health healthy hear hearing heart heat heaven heavily heavy heel height helicopter hell hello help helpful her here heritage hero herself hey hi hide high highlight highly highway hill him himself hip hire his historian historic historical history hit hold hole holiday holy home homeless honest honey honor hope horizon horror horse hospital host hot hotel hour house household housing how however huge human humor hundred hungry hunter hunting hurt husband hypothesis I ice idea ideal identification identify identity ie if ignore ill illegal illness illustrate image imagination imagine immediate immediately immigrant immigration impact implement implication imply importance important impose impossible impress impression impressive improve improvement in incentive incident include including income incorporate increase increased increasing increasingly incredible indeed independence independent index Indian indicate indication individual industrial industry infant infection inflation influence inform information ingredient initial initially initiative injury inner innocent inquiry inside insight insist inspire install instance instead institution institutional instruction instructor instrument insurance intellectual intelligence intend intense intensity intention interaction interest interested interesting internal international Internet interpret interpretation intervention interview into introduce introduction invasion invest investigate investigation investigator investment investor invite involve involved involvement Iraqi Irish iron Islamic island Israeli issue it Italian item its itself jacket jail Japanese jet Jew Jewish job join joint joke journal journalist journey joy judge judgment juice jump junior jury just justice justify keep key kick kid kill killer killing kind king kiss kitchen knee knife knock know knowledge lab label labor laboratory lack lady lake land landscape language lap large largely last late later Latin latter laugh launch law lawn lawsuit lawyer lay layer lead leader leadership leading leaf league lean learn learning least leather leave left leg legacy legal legend legislation legitimate lemon length less lesson let letter level liberal library license lie life lifestyle lifetime lift light like likely limit limitation limited line link lip list listen literally literary literature little live living load loan local locate location lock long long-term look loose lose loss lost lot lots loud love lovely lover low lower luck lucky lunch lung machine mad magazine mail main mainly maintain maintenance major majority make maker makeup male mall man manage management manager manner manufacturer manufacturing many map margin mark market marketing marriage married marry mask mass massive master match material math matter may maybe mayor me meal mean meaning meanwhile measure measurement meat mechanism media medical medication medicine medium meet meeting member membership memory mental mention menu mere merely mess message metal meter method Mexican middle might military milk million mind mine minister minor minority minute miracle mirror miss missile mission mistake mix mixture mm-hmm mode model moderate modern modest mom moment money monitor month mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mostly mother motion motivation motor mount mountain mouse mouth move movement movie Mr Mrs Ms much multiple murder muscle museum music musical musician Muslim must mutual my myself mystery myth naked name narrative narrow nation national native natural naturally nature near nearby nearly necessarily necessary neck need negative negotiate negotiation neighbor neighborhood neither nerve nervous net network never nevertheless new newly news newspaper next nice night nine no nobody nod noise nomination none nonetheless nor normal normally north northern nose not note nothing notice notion novel now nowhere n't nuclear number numerous nurse nut object objective obligation observation observe observer obtain obvious obviously occasion occasionally occupation occupy occur ocean odd odds of off offense offensive offer office officer official often oh oil ok okay old Olympic on once one ongoing onion online only onto open opening operate operating operation operator opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposite opposition option or orange order ordinary organic organization organize orientation origin original originally other others otherwise ought our ourselves out outcome outside oven over overall overcome overlook owe own owner pace pack package page pain painful paint painter painting pair pale Palestinian palm pan panel pant paper parent park parking part participant participate participation particular particularly partly partner partnership party pass passage passenger passion past patch path patient pattern pause pay payment PC peace peak peer penalty people pepper per perceive percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance perhaps period permanent permission permit person personal personality personally personnel perspective persuade pet phase phenomenon philosophy phone photo photograph photographer phrase physical physically physician piano pick picture pie piece pile pilot pine pink pipe pitch place plan plane planet planning plant plastic plate platform play player please pleasure plenty plot plus PM pocket poem poet poetry point pole police policy political politically politician politics poll pollution pool poor pop popular population porch port portion portrait portray pose position positive possess possibility possible possibly post pot potato potential potentially pound pour poverty powder power powerful practical practice pray prayer precisely predict prefer preference pregnancy pregnant preparation prepare prescription presence present presentation preserve president presidential press pressure pretend pretty prevent previous previously price pride priest primarily primary prime principal principle print prior priority prison prisoner privacy private probably problem procedure proceed process produce producer product production profession professional professor profile profit program progress project prominent promise promote prompt proof proper properly property proportion proposal propose proposed prosecutor prospect protect protection protein protest proud prove provide provider province provision psychological psychologist psychology public publication publicly publish publisher pull punishment purchase pure purpose pursue push put qualify quality quarter quarterback question quick quickly quiet quietly quit quite quote race racial radical radio rail rain raise range rank rapid rapidly rare rarely rate rather rating ratio raw reach react reaction read reader reading ready real reality realize really reason reasonable recall receive recent recently recipe recognition recognize recommend recommendation record recording recover recovery recruit red reduce reduction refer reference reflect reflection reform refugee refuse regard regarding regardless regime region regional register regular regularly regulate regulation reinforce reject relate relation relationship relative relatively relax release relevant relief religion religious rely remain remaining remarkable remember remind remote remove repeat repeatedly replace reply report reporter represent representation representative Republican reputation request require requirement research researcher resemble reservation resident resist resistance resolution resolve resort resource respect respond respondent response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restore restriction result retain retire retirement return reveal revenue review revolution rhythm rice rich rid ride rifle right ring rise risk river road rock role roll romantic roof room root rope rose rough roughly round route routine row rub rule run running rural rush Russian sacred sad safe safety sake salad salary sale sales salt same sample sanction sand satellite satisfaction satisfy sauce save saving say scale scandal scared scenario scene schedule scheme scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist scope score scream screen script sea search season seat second secret secretary section sector secure security see seed seek seem segment seize select selection self sell Senate senator send senior sense sensitive sentence separate sequence series serious seriously serve service session set setting settle settlement seven several severe sex sexual shade shadow shake shall shape share sharp she sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship shirt shit shock shoe shoot shooting shop shopping shore short shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shrug shut sick side sigh sight sign signal significance significant significantly silence silent silver similar similarly simple simply sin since sing singer single sink sir sister sit site situation six size ski skill skin sky slave sleep slice slide slight slightly slip slow slowly small smart smell smile smoke smooth snap snow so so-called soccer social society soft software soil solar soldier solid solution solve some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song soon sophisticated sorry sort soul sound soup source south southern Soviet space Spanish speak speaker special specialist species specific specifically speech speed spend spending spin spirit spiritual split spokesman sport spot spread spring square squeeze stability stable staff stage stair stake stand standard standing star stare start state statement station statistics status stay steady steal steel step stick still stir stock stomach stone stop storage store storm story straight strange stranger strategic strategy stream street strength strengthen stress stretch strike string strip stroke strong strongly structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject submit subsequent substance substantial succeed success successful successfully such sudden suddenly sue suffer sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suicide suit summer summit sun super supply support supporter suppose supposed Supreme sure surely surface surgery surprise surprised surprising surprisingly surround survey survival survive survivor suspect sustain swear sweep sweet swim swing switch symbol symptom system table tablespoon tactic tail take tale talent talk tall tank tap tape target task taste tax taxpayer tea teach teacher teaching team tear teaspoon technical technique technology teen teenager telephone telescope television tell temperature temporary ten tend tendency tennis tension tent term terms terrible territory terror terrorism terrorist test testify testimony testing text than thank thanks that the theater their them theme themselves then theory therapy there therefore these they thick thin thing think thinking third thirty this those though thought thousand threat threaten three throat through throughout throw thus ticket tie tight time tiny tip tire tired tissue title to tobacco today toe together tomato tomorrow tone tongue tonight too tool tooth top topic toss total totally touch tough tour tourist tournament toward towards tower town toy trace track trade tradition traditional traffic tragedy trail train training transfer transform transformation transition translate transportation travel treat treatment treaty tree tremendous trend trial tribe trick trip troop trouble truck true truly trust truth try tube tunnel turn TV twelve twenty twice twin two type typical typically ugly ultimate ultimately unable uncle under undergo understand understanding unfortunately uniform union unique unit United universal universe university unknown unless unlike unlikely until unusual up upon upper urban urge us use used useful user usual usually utility vacation valley valuable value variable variation variety various vary vast vegetable vehicle venture version versus very vessel veteran via victim victory video view viewer village violate violation violence violent virtually virtue virus visible vision visit visitor visual vital voice volume volunteer vote voter vs vulnerable wage wait wake walk wall wander want war warm warn warning wash waste watch water wave way we weak wealth wealthy weapon wear weather wedding week weekend weekly weigh weight welcome welfare well west western wet what whatever wheel when whenever where whereas whether which while whisper white who whole whom whose why wide widely widespread wife wild will willing win wind window wine wing winner winter wipe wire wisdom wise wish with withdraw within without witness woman wonder wonderful wood wooden word work worker working works workshop world worried worry worth would wound wrap write writer writing wrong yard yeah year yell yellow yes yesterday yet yield you young your yours yourself youth zone.

Ive named this tale The Long Game, since it actually spans over the course of several years leading to the satisfying conclusion. Also, because its a long story. Ill understand if you skip this one for a shorter one. Several years ago I was in desperate need of a job. I was recently released from active duty in the US Army under a medical discharge, met my girlfriend (who is currently my wife) who moved in with me with her two small children from a previous marriage, and I was bouncing around from dead end job to dead end job. I had very little real world skills to offer to employers so my options were limited. I took a chance and interviewed with a small security company and was immediately hired. They liked that I was prior service, grilled me with questions only a veteran would know, and sent me to work on their biggest contract. I was on a site of a massive multi-million dollar construction location. A large named oil company was building a new headquarters and well. massive construction project just doesnt seem like a big enough description. As security, a bulk of our responsibility was checking and vetting all construction workers and contractors through the gate, inspect vehicles for possible stolen property, and generally serve as a deterring force. To put it simply, everyday my gate alone would process about 1-2 thousand cars during my 8 hour shift. The site was running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to meet the very tight construction schedule. I was only on one of 3 gates so thats about 3-6 thousand cars that came on site every day in an 8 hour period. Massive construction site. (As a side note that will become very important later in the story, each car that came through had to undergo a strict inspection when the driver is FIRST assigned to work on the site. Then the vehicle gets a sticker and is allowed to drive onto the construction site. We would ensure the car has the sticker, and then just process everyones badge through a verification machine. If all badges passed, and the car had a sticker, then we would let the contractors on site so they can get to work. Working there was great. All the security were ex-military so, beyond a little teasing about who they served with, everyone bonded really well. We didnt have sick days or vacations days, so when people would call off for personal reasons or illness, everyone happily chipped in to make up the lost hours. And, because of this teamwork, our big boss overlooked the call offs and let us make overtime money. No write ups, no punishments. Sometimes we were working 16 hour shifts back to back. I spent many nights sleeping in the parking garage in between shifts because it was easier than driving home, to sleep a few hours, only to come back to work for another 16 hour day. We were in outdoor conditions in all weather, and were on our feet on concrete the entire time. Sitting down was a luxury that we rarely saw. We couldnt leave the gate for any reason unless we were relieved by a supervisor who would try to come by twice during an 8 hour shift to let you go to the port-o-potty or quickly eat your lunch. Rain, harsh summer heat, bug storms (yes thats a thing) hail. you were out by your gate with no protection other than a construction hard hat. I know these sound like horrendous conditions but really, it was the best job I ever had. Because of the conditions it was no wonder that 95% of the employees were male. We tried hiring females but most would last a few days before quitting. Those people who did not quit in a few days were lifers and loved the job. The problems began about 3 months into the job. One of the supervisors was quitting to go back to school so a position opened up. Everyone was given an opportunity to apply for the supervisor position. I was encouraged by the night shift supervisor (who was the one quitting) to go for the promotion because he thought I would be a good replacement for him, even though I was the newest officer on the site and had the least amount of experience. So, I threw in my hat just for laughs. Two other people applied. One was a guy who had obvious seniority. The other was a girl (one of three on the site) who had been there for about a year. We were given a face to face interview with the boss. Well call him Jim. My interview went well and Jim liked that I was ambitious. Jim was also the guy who accepted me onto the site in the first place. The next phase of testing was a practice run as a temporary supervisor. We were each given a day to be the supervisor in charge. Jim was there, along with a junior Supervisor named. Ray, yeah, thats a good name for him. (For clarification, Ray did not want the promotion and was happy performing his regular duties) both were present just incase situations occurred that was beyond our ability to handle they were standing by to assist. My test day went well. I finished all tasks assigned to me and I even managed to handle a minor emergency on my own. The other two applicants apparently didnt do to well. The senior guy kept forgetting his list of tasks he was given to accomplish and kept going back to the office to ask Jim what he should do next. The Girl did ok, but every time she would check up on the guards she would flaunt around her temporary rank, make employees call her “maam”, and bragging about how she was definitely going to be getting the promotion. Imagine her shock when I was given the position as the new night shift supervisor. To say she was angry was an understatement. Apparently she was so upset that she didnt get the promotion that she called me on my personal cell phone. She stole my number from the supervisor emergency phone. To add to the situation, I had not yet been informed I got the promotion. Nothing official had been put out just yet. Not a direct quote but paraphrasing as best as I can: Me: hello? Girl: How does it feel? Me: um. whos this? Girl: what? You dont know? I thought supervisors are supposed to know EVERYTHING! Me: very confused) You called OP, I think you may have the wrong number. Girl: I know who I called! Dont pretend like you dont know. You got the promotion because youre all sexists pigs! Me: I got the promotion? Cool! Girl: That promotion was supposed to be mine but I guess since Im not in the bro-club they just gave it to you. If you dont resign the position to me Im going to tell HR about all this sexism and youll all be fired! Me: What sexism? I got the position by passing the tests. Isnt it sexist to assume you should get the promotion only because you happen to be born a female? Isnt that act alone sexist? Girl: But only men get promoted to leadership positions. Me: 95% of the site is male! Odds are males are going to get promoted. Sorry you didnt make the cut but none of this is my problem. So I hung up the phone and called both Jim and Ray to inform them about the call. I was assured that I was promoted, they didnt know how she found out, and they were going to file harassment on my behalf to HR for her stealing my phone number from the work phone and contacting me with threats. And thats where the story SHOULD end. But oh no fellow readers. it has only just begun. Now would be a good time to get some popcorn and a drink. So about two to three months roll by and Im getting into the role of Supervisor. Girl, has since been removed from the site, and the employees are really happy that Im the new supervisor and that Girl is gone. Things continue as normal and I begin bonding with my staff. I especially bond with a guard that no one liked. His name for this story is Victor. Victor is a marine veteran, he was in the initial invasion of Iraq and developed severe PTSD. It makes him very confrontational, argumentative, and a super big A-hole to anyone who talks to him. I liked the guy from the get go and we quickly became close friends. Every night I would hang out with him between my duties and we would talk. I eventually convinced him to seek help from the Veterans Association, and go to PTSD counseling. He was also going to school to get his Masters degree (Thanks to Ray who convinced him to not give up on his education) and would just need to vent sometimes. I was that vent. He would blow up at me, yell and scream, and when he was done we would hug it out. It was therapy for him and I didnt mind. All seemed to be going well until one day I came to visit with Victor. What I didnt know was that Victor was pulling a 16 hour shift and actually worked the afternoon and the night shift. So when I showed up to work he had already been there a majority of the day. He asked me if I spoke with Jim recently. I hadnt. Apparently Jim didnt show up to work today. A few days go by and well. Jim mysteriously disappeared. After 3 or 4 days of his disappearance, Ray called an emergency meeting with the supervisors. In attendance was myself, Ray, and another supervisor from the second shift who is not important and does not require a fictional name. The meeting was to try and figure out what happened to Jim. We pooled our knowledge together and decided the best course of action was to contact the main headquarters branch to see if they knew something. He wasnt answering the phone when we called him so we feared he was in the hospital and no one bothered to tell us. When we called we were given the run around, but eventually an HR rep who was friends with Ray spilled the beans. Jim had quit the job. Girl (from earlier) apparently made good on her threats. After she was kicked out of the site, she got ahold of a lawyer and began the process of suing the company. Not only for sexism and favoritism, but also sexual harassment. As it turned out, Jim was a lonely man. Girl and Jim began flirting and eventually sexting. and the idiot used the company supervisor cell phone to do it. She not only had copies of the messages, but when the company dug into the phone records they had all the evidence needed to see she was not lying. There were pictures. lots of pictures. Girl was brilliant. Evil, but brilliant. She knew that the old supervisor was going to go back to school eventually so she began flirting with Jim. She pursued him. Each conversation in person she would be flirtatious, rubbing him and even having sex with him. On the phone, however, she played coy and made him take charge. In the end, the evidence looked like he pressured her to have sex with him. and promised a promotion (in a bout of pillow talk and before anyone knew that the position was going to be open) to her in exchange for sex acts. At the time it was role play, but now it appears like this was all part of her insurance plan to get promoted for real. That was more than enough for the company to do something. When Jim caught wind what was happening he took off. This left us without a boss, and worse, in order to avoid a lawsuit, the company rehired Girl to her old position, replanted her on our site, paid her enough money to cover her missed salary plus a bonus and a raise, and promised to get more females on the site and on supervisor positions. This was enough to satisfy Girl so she dropped the lawsuit. As the only form of authority on the site, we three supervisors took it upon ourselves to run the site as best as we could until a new boss was assigned to help us or one of us was promoted to the position. Almost two months went by and Girl was a huge nuisance. She was constantly calling off her shift at the last minute and since everyone didnt like her, no one was willing to cover her shift. We attempted to write her up for the situation but she quickly threw it back in our face and threaten to call her lawyer for harassment. After all, “none of the male employees get written up when they call off. obviously this is sexism and boys club all over again. ” She pushed her luck too far one day, however, and severely disrespected one of the oil company representatives during his visit. He had her permanently removed from the site. When the security company tried to take her side (for fear of another lawsuit) he said either Girl is gone or hell get another security company to take over the contract. The company gave in and moved her to another site. But even though Girl was now out of our lives forever, the absolute nightmare she started was still forming overhead. The company finally found a suitable replacement for Jim, that was also female to satiate the terms set forth by Girls lawyer. Our new boss was named. well, i have lots of names for that sea hag but for now Ill refer to her as Tasha. Tasha was a handful from the get go. As the new boss she was working on the site for nearly two weeks before she ever introduced herself to either the second shift supervisor or myself (i still worked nights. What boss does that? Two weeks before you introduce yourself to the supervisors? It took her another month to eventually meet all the guards. The site was busy but it wasnt that big. Already she was off to a bad start. She was also non-military and didnt seem respect the fact that every guard and supervisor was a military vet. Most of us served in war zones, lived in the dirt, and were very self sufficient. She saw everyone as a brainless meat head who needed CONSTANT supervision. The term micro-manager isnt strong enough of a description to understand the level of hands on she needed to have. And it probably would have been much different if she was improving things, or making things more efficient. but she was barely able to perform the simplest tasks, made constant poor decisions, and just kinda ticked everyone off whenever she was around. We three supervisors tried to train her and bring her up to speed with the site but she wouldnt hear any of our advice. After about another week or so from her introduction to everyone she began to get worse. We started seeing a ton of write ups flooding across our desks. Like, dozens and dozens for a single employee. And the write ups, while technically correct, were of the most petty things imaginable. Her favorite was writing up employees for breaking uniform regulations. You have a stray string on your uniform? Write up. Shoes dirty? Write up. A haircut she didnt like? Write up. Glasses smudged? Write up. The best was her writing up a guard because his uniform was wet. because it was raining outside, and we were not allowed to seek shelter because of our duties. Every gate had a “guard shack” available. It was a small space with just enough room for a chair and a table to write on. It had a small A/C and a mini-fridge to keep water, Gatorades, and our lunch cold. But no one could use the guard shacks because they were so far away from the gates. Still within eyesight, but we had to physically badge in vehicles and employees and the verification machine was set up next to the gate. When you swipe a badge, a green or red light flashes and it makes a little beep sound to say wether or not someone is allowed on property. But if youre in the guard shack you cant physically hear the beep (reminder, this is a construction site) nor can you see the lights because the lights face the vehicle. So you have to stand there and swipe the badge and physically look at the lights to know wether or not to let anyone in. Also, remember the car stickers? They were positioned on the windshield so you cant see them from a shack 30 feet away from the gate. And because of the massive volume of cars coming and going, there just wasnt any time to walk to the guard shack, much less sit down. We tried to explain that to Tasha who just didnt seem to care. It also became very clear that she was focusing on one guard at a time. Every write up and disciplinary meeting was laser focused on one individual. Eventually that person would get so sick of the harassment that they would quit. As soon as they were gone she would focus on another guard. The entire site went from a dream job to the most hostile work environment ive ever bore witness too. I served 10 years in the Army and served three tours to Afghanistan. I served under some of the most idiotic leadership imaginable, people who only got promoted because they were in the army soooo long that eventually they would get promotions. Ask a Veteran, theyll understand what I mean. And all that time, all those dead end jobs with king of the tiny pond managers i used to work for, were NOTHING in comparison to Tasha. After two months under her reign 12 employees quit. including Ray. Yes, apparently supervisors were also under fire. I feel that Im obligated at this point to mention that Ray is the best damn leader Ive ever had the luxury of working with. Even though he was technically under me, he was and is the most professional man I have ever known. Period. Everyone on site respected him, everyone would have followed him to Hell and back, everyone loved Ray. Even when I was promoted above him, instead of being petty he encouraged me to do better. He trained me and became a role model to myself and many others on the site. Including Victor. Remember him from earlier? The PTSD guy that no one liked. Apparently he had two friends in this world. Me and Ray. And now Ray was bullied out of his job. Protip: Never fuck with a Marine. Especially one who has nothing left to lose. To put into context how bad this really is, no one quit the company before Tasha took over. Some people left to better opportunities, or were new hires who couldnt hack it, but overall people had worked on that site since construction began 5 years prior. Some people had been with the company going on 10 years. These were the people she was going after and who she forced to quit. I had quit smoking for three years and things got so bad everyone started smoking again, even myself. You would think with as many people quitting that we would have a worker shortage but then you would be mistaken. As soon as someone quit, the next day the position was filled again. But 2nd shift supervisor and myself quickly learned that these people were not ex-military. These people were moody, had very bad attitudes with other guards and the many contractors we were dealing with on a daily basis. They were lazy, would often hide in the guard shacks and would not verify wether or not cars could enter the site. They were messy (both in personality and their surroundings) and generally what one would consider horrible employees. We called Ray to see if he could contact his HR buddy to find out where these people were coming from. And here is where the story gets even worse. Remember when old boss Jim took off? Well, someone had to take the fall for the sexism lawsuit that was forming. So the company terminated another employee. That employee was responsible for staffing the oil company contract. He was also responsible for hiring veterans and verifying them. Remember the questions I was asked at the beginning of this story that only a veteran would know the answers to. Yep, that guy. He was gone. So unfortunately no more veterans were selected from the hiring pool and sent our way. He was terminated because he originally hired Jim. As it turned out, Tasha (the new terror boss) was actually in charge of an office building contract in another part of the city. She lost the contract to that building and herself and all her guards were now in limbo and out of a job. Some of the guards were issued to new contracts but pay in security is usually pretty lousy. Normally about minimum wage. But our job paid very well. 15 an hour to start off because the company was supposed to offer it only to ex-military guards due to the site contract. I discovered years later that Tasha actually lost the building contract not because the contract ended naturally, but because she and her guards were useless that the building hired other people to do their jobs. The person in charge of contracts. was sleeping with Tasha. They covered up the contract loss so she can still have a job. Oh, and since military guy got fired during the lawsuit. Tashas fuck buddy took over his responsibilities. Hence, Tasha got another site contract, a pay raise, and was selected only because she was female and sleeping with the contract guy. Hows that for ironic sexism? And. it gets better. and the write ups and harassment on our site were a ruse to get the Veterans to quit their jobs, forcing the company to fill the spot with whoever was available due to a loophole clause in the oil company contract. It basically allowed the security company to staff open positions with non-military employees in an emergency employee shortage incident. And guess who the new lazy employees were? Yep, the old guards that served under Tasha, who were so bad at their job that they lost their own contract. But why them? Because they were requested, by name, by the largest contract supervisor Tasha. One by one I watched my fellow veterans and employees fall under attack and quit, only to be replaced by useless people and backstabbing thugs. I really could go on, there is a TON that happened during that time period, but its well past the time for some Malicious Compliance. I was the next to be targeted. and I was the next to quit. The malicious compliance, unfortunately was not caused by myself initially. But, by Victor who now watched his second and only friend quit from the job site. Victor is my god damn hero. After I left I started working for another security company. Ironically, the guy who hired me was Jim. My direct supervisor? Ray. We three were back together again and worked for another oil/gas company. The pay was awesome and info was shared about Jim getting set up for the fall and what not. We tried to get Victor to quit his job and join us at the new company. but the old marine was on one last mission. Remember those car stickers? Well, as it turned out, Victor had a super power. For whatever reason, he was able to spot forged stickers from across the gate. Ok, so forged stickers? Yep, they were a problem. The construction site had very limited parking and safety regulations were put in place that only licensed drivers could come onsite. The cars also had to pass crazy tests in order to meet the safety regulation compliance. The problem is that construction companies and sub-contractors often hire illegal workers, or people with criminal history, or people who just have crapy cars that probably arent registered or even inspected by the state. No one really cared, but without licensing they could not drive onsite. So, someone began forging car stickers and selling them to all the people who would not legally be able to get them. At first they were crude, obviously crayon on tape. If you glanced at it, it was passable but any close inspection would reveal that the sticker was fake. If a fake sticker was found, regulation stated that the car must be pulled over, and a security supervisor would need to be contacted. The security supervisor would have to get ahold of the site foreman, a supervisor from the fake sticker driver, and a police officer who would remove the sticker and permanently remove the employee from the site forever. Now, because all the replacement guards were really bad at their jobs, the fake sticker business was in full swing. They were getting better, laser printed on vinyl, and nearly indistinguishable from the real stickers. But Victor was now on a mission. He took a position at the main entry gate and began pulling over as many cars as he could with the fake stickers. He pulled over sooo many that a security supervisor (Tasha) was assigned to be nearby at all times. The site had to hire an additional police officer and the Site Forman had a permanent representative at the gate. Everyday Victor was pulling over car after car. He started training some of the least useless guards how to do it and what to look for. It became a HUGE nuisance for Tasha but she technically couldnt do anything about it because he was following the site rules to the letter. After a month of aggressive crackdown on the fake sticker problem, the Oil company representatives held a special meeting with Tasha and Victor to plead with him to stop. He had singlehandedly removed so many construction workers and contractors that many companies were pulling their long term contracts with the oil company. Construction came to a sudden halt, and the oil company was hemorrhaging tons of money to either keep on contractors or find new ones willing to pick up the job where others left off. Best of all, the construction should have been WAY ahead of schedule so the Oil Company sold their old headquarters to someone else in the expectation to move into the newly constructed headquarters. However, incompetent security replacements were not checking vehicles exiting the properly and thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of tools and construction supplies were stolen, causing massive set backs. Then, the sticker fiasco cause any progress that was still going on to come to a sudden halt. The Oil Company now had to pay and greatly inflated rent at their old headquarters because the building was sold but they had nowhere to send the employees. So the new owners let them stay and jacked up the rent so high that it was causing the oil company to lose massive revenue and stocks were beginning to drop. During the meeting Victor only asked one question, “So, are you changing the regulation to state that illegal drivers are now allowed onsite? ” Of course they didnt change it. They couldnt and Victor knew it. The meeting came to a close. Victor returned to his gate and continued his mission. After a few days, an accident occurred onsite. The blame was the drivers, but the buck was passed to Victor who became the fall guy and he was terminated from the security company. Everyone knew it was Bullshit and that he was obviously the scapegoat. but Victor didnt care. He waged his war, and in my eyes, he won. So thats the end of the Malicious Compliance and if you made it this far then good on you. I hope you enjoyed this slice of my life and I leave you with a wish: I hope the best of your past is worst of your future. If youre still here then youll be pleased to know there is a little justice in the world. Victor left security permanently. He finished school with honors and got his Masters degree. He also took my advice and sought help for his PTSD. He ended up getting 90% disability from the VA and gets a fat check every month. He technically does not have to work anymore but took a job as a maintenance supervisor at the local city college. He is doing much better mentally and is looking forward to buying his second home. We still talk regularly and is considered a very close friend of mine. Jim, Ray and I worked together for years at another security company. Jim left that company for better pay at a different security company and has only spoken to me once since his departure. From what I hear, he got married and is doing well. Ray took over as a contract manager for an even different security company much closer to his residence. He is still happily married and adopted his two nephews to raise along side of his son. We still talk semi regularly and go drinking at least once a year with Victor. I became a big time security supervisor at the company and have only recently left due to political conflict. I now am an HVAC technician and me and the wife are doing well. And what of Tasha? Well. she was eventually fired for the hell she caused. It took years to unravel the drama but eventually karma caught up to her. Jim called me once (after he left to work somewhere else) and warned me that Tasha was looking for a job in a new security company. He just denied her application when he realized who she was based on the stories Ray and I told him. She then interviewed for the position at my company. Guess who did all employee hiring? This guy! I had another officer send her into my office. She walked in all dressed up, smiling and ready to do her interview. then she saw me. Her smile faded and she walked out without ever saying anything. I then made a call to Ray and gave him a heads up that she was out there. Several weeks go by and she walked in to interview with Ray. He told me that when she saw him she broke down crying. She confessed that since she was terminated she has been unable to find a job. Everyone who interviews her just so happens to be an ex-military veteran who used to work on an oil company construction site. She was losing her home, her husband left her and took her kids (he found out about the contract guy she was sleeping with) she was living out of her car. she pleaded him for a job. And Ray, the most professional man I had ever met, was an ex-marine. He knew what happened to Victor, about how she threw him under a bus. He told her to beat sand, and to tell Satan “hi” for him when she goes to hell. Protip: Never mess with a Marine. —————— Edit for added info and concerns: Firstly, thank you all for the overwhelming response. I figured my story would be overlooked and possibly read by a handful of people. I never would have imagined I would get this kind of response. Thank you all for the awards, the updoots, and the kind words. It really means a lot to me and yes, I read them all. Wish I could respond to everyone but I can only say “thank you” so many times before it loses its sincerity. But thank you to everyone. Also, I will pass on your good wishes to Ray and Victor the next time I talk to them. Secondly, few commentators correctly noted that this story is very one sided and sexist against the female employees. Im just popping this here to address their concern on a few points: The female character named Girl should have a real name and not just labeled as a gender. Youre right. Didnt even think about it while I was writing this and frankly I dont care enough about her to justify giving her an identification. If this upsets you then I understand and accept your criticism without any negativity on my end. This is a boys club, all females in the story are depicted as evil or were oppressed, ect. the story most certainly had that vibe and really that wasnt my intention. Consider it a big oversight on my part. The whole story is incredibly long and there were so many people involved that if I got detailed it would be like a marvel movie. In fact the persons Girl and Tasha were the only females on the site that were a problem and were not liked. We had other female officers on site that were well respected and were treated just as equally as everyone else. One female in particular tried to be a huge help to us and she was one of the replacements. She was an ex-police officer from Chicago who helped us legally build a case of workplace harassment and even coached us on how to lead the investigation. The case was ignored and nothing productive came of it. Its a story all on its own so I excluded it due to length. Jim was not a victim. You are correct. What he did is idiotic and an abuse of power. I will not argue with you there. However, note that I dont talk to Jim anymore. There are reasons for that and the fact that his loins caused numerous people grief and sorrow is a big factor. What he did was reprehensible. However, Girl using the sexual relationship to push her own agenda also negates her being able to claim victimhood. If she was a victim, she should have sued instead of going right back to a company that allowed this to happen. At least, thats my opinion which really means nothing. If this story offends you then too bad. Hate to be the jerk but I cant change events that happened in real life to suite your political correctness. Things happened, and as the world crumbles around you sometimes the moral compass get spun. Its not an excuse, just a very sad fact of life that is highlighted when you are trying to claw your way out of a shitty situation. Either way, thank you for everything and Im greatly humbled by you all.

The Assistant Watch full length. Isn't that right. Isn't that right? Isn't THAT right? Mark: YES.

Wait does she murder them? Cause Im here for that

It's a good thing Scar-Jo doesn't age. This movie should've happened five years ago, but okay marvel. The assistant watch full length full.


The assistant watch full length film. The assistant watch full length episodes. Wanted the guy who played gu hai in addicted to be in this. The assistant watch full length online. It reminds me of that one movie on Netflix that I forgot the name of with a dad who Hallucinates his daughter and wifes disappearance. A movie about kindness ? A rarity in american 's what the world need more then anything now. The assistant watch full length episode. Both cole and Kj are rocking Five feet apart I still believe ❤️. The assistant watch full length 2. Raymond Bourque Appreciation Time When people are talking about the best players of the past 50 years. I firmly believe Bourque in the same tier as Howe, Gretzky, Orr, Lemieux. even if he's behind those guys, he's absolutely in the same tier. I remember Bourque, yeah, One of the greats from back in the day. He was not one of the greats. He's the great that other and future greats should be compared to. and in our lifetimes, I'm beyond certain that we're going to watch them all fall short. Maybe Bourque didn't change the way the game was played the way some of those guys did but. it's only because he didn't need to. He fit the way the game was played. as if the game was made for him. He could beat people with physicality, he could beat people with finesse, and he did it at an unbelievably elite level, for 30 minutes a night, for 22 years. Uh, Bourque was good but not that good mate. Time for a refresher. Shall we? Strap in, this is a long one. Shots Most shots by a defenseman in a season during Bourque's career. During his career, Bourque held 8 of the top-9 slots. Expand that to until today and his seasons still place 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 12th, pretty much only falling due to two defensemen who spent time at forward. Compare that to most shots, by a forward during that time period. there are 13 forwards in the top-20. Brett Hull is the closest comparable to "dominating his positon" and he falls clearly short. Bourque was consistently ahead of his peers, moreso than anyone else was ahead of theirs. He finished top-10 in the NHL (even among forwards. in shots in 13 - more than half - of his 22 seasons. Three times he led the league in shots (84, 87, 95. In 1985 he was 2nd to Gretzky, in 1988 he was 2nd to Lemieux, and in 1996 he was 2nd to Jagr. Most shots/game in a season by a defenseman, all-time Ray Bourque and Bobby Orr own 11 of the top 12 slots. Bourque shows up 8 times before anyone other than Orr shows up twice, and almost caught Orr for the record. Orr's best season was 5. 43 shots/game; Bourque's was 5. 36. Raw shot totals by a defenseman in a season Bourque owns 8 of the top-17 seasons. If not for those two defensemen-playing-forward, he would own 8 of the top 15 seasons. His two best seasons were topped by Orr only twice. Most seasons with 250+ shots, forwards included Jagr/Gretzky did it 10 times each. Bourque? 14. He didn't "accidentally" set records like: Most career shots 360 consecutive games with a shot 19 shots in a single game Over the past 10 seasons, 3. 85 shots per game would comfortably put you 2nd in the entire league in shots per game. forwards included. That was Bourque's career average. Only Ovechkin, Bure, Lemieux, and Dionne have averaged more shots/game throughout their career. Number of games a defenseman recorded 10+ shots? only tracked since ~1979) A handful of defensemen have done it more than 4-5 times. Bourque did it 24 times. Who cares about shots, goals are what win games. Get on with it. You're right - forget all of that. Throw all of that evidence in the toilet. Flush twice. Goals Recently, Shea Weber reached 10+ goals for the 11th time in his career. A fantastic achievement; even HoF defensemen Pronger/Niedermayer managed that only 8 times apiece. The first time Bourque failed to reach double digit goals was his age-40 season. Most seasons with 10 + goals in NHL history (leaving for the WHA may hurt some players here) Bourque is 7th overall, doing it 21 times. There are only 6 defensemen in the top-100. (shoutout to Patrick Marleau, who moved Bourque to 8th two days ago, and surely would have tied Francis/Jagr if he didn't spent the 04-05 lockout helping his parents on their farm. Let's bump 10 to 15 for shits and giggles. Only five defensemen in NHL history have scored 15+ goals, 10+ times (Weber could be the 6th with 1 more 15+ goal season) Defenseman 15+ goals Coffey 10 MacInnis 11 Potvin 12 Housley 13 Bourque 18 Four of the greatest offensive defensemen ever did it 10/11/12/13 times... and then there's Bourque with 18 seasons. He made the team as an 18 year old rookie and scored 17 goals. Then he scored 17 (or more) goals for 15 years in a row, followed by a 23 goal pace during the lockout-shortened '94 season. And then he scored 17+ in back to back years after that. I'm going to call that 18 consecutive years. That's incredible longevity and production for a forward. Bourque did it from the backend, and the best playmaker he had was. 4. 5 seasons of Adam Oates? Forwards with a similar number of career goals as Ray Bourque: Vincent Lecavalier, Jason Arnott, Tony Amonte, Joe Thornton, Patrick Elias, Marian Gaborik, John LeClair, Paul Kariya, Shane Doan, Markus Naslund Some defensemen bring value with lots of points, not just scoring like 20 goals. Okay, alright already. Forget it. Take all that evidence and shred it, then set the shreds on fire. Points Speaking of failing to reach double digit goals in his final season. Bourque still finished tied for 3rd in defensive scoring that year, behind only "HoF defensemen in their prime. Brian Leetch and Nicklas Lidstrom. At age 40. It's always been a remarkable feat to consistently score more points than games played. There have been 30 players who have a point-per-game of. 1. 0 in at least 10 seasons: 29 are in, or will be in, the Hall of Fame (sorry Pierre Turgeon, you totally deserve it) 28 are forwards (Coffey, Bourque) Only 3 of those forwards did it more than Bourque: Gretzky, Howe, Dionne. Bourque's consistent longevity and production, by that measure, was bested by only 3 forwards. I really feel like there should be, I don't know, maybe a dozen forwards. you find any defenseman on that list. 8 defensemen have ever cracked 1, 000 points. Eight. In history. Erik Karlsson has the next realistic chance at being the 9th 1000pt defenseman; he reached 600 points in the same game Marleau passed Bourque 2 days ago. Bourque has 1, 579. That puts Karlsson. just under 1, 000 points behind him. 8 defensemen in history have managed that in their career, and that's roughly how far Karlsson is behind right now. Karlsson turns 30 in 4 months. If Karlsson retires at age 39, averages a 60 point pace, and only misses ~12 games a year... he might get 1, 000 career points. To catch Bourque, Karlsson would need to play another 12. 5 years (until he's 42) without missing a game, and average 79 points a season. Nobody is going to catch Bourque. He was a _defense_man, who cares about points. Okay! Good grief. Take all that evidence, tie a rock around it, and huck it down the Mariana Trench. Time on ice Sadly, the NHL didn't start officially tracking time on ice until the final few years of Bourque's career, but. Between ages 37 and 40, he was 2nd in ice time in the league, playing well over 26 minutes a night. His playoff ice time those 4 years - over 30 minutes a game. If that's slightly inflated by some OT games: it absolutely doesn't matter. Only 5 players saw more playoff ice time in that span and they all played in 13-20 more games. Throughout his 20s and early 30s? Who doubts Bourque was consistently eating over 30 minutes a night? Maybe even 35? Did he reach 40 minutes some games? Bourque turned 40 years old a couple months into the '00- 01 season. This is how Bob Hartley distributed his shorthanded icetime that year. Later on, in game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, Bourque played 29:35. There's been a lot of links so far. did you read that last one? Based on his play, there is no reason why he should retire. Avs defenseman Rob Blake said. "He was probably our dominant defenseman all playoffs long. Spoiler, he did retire, because let's be reality - how can you possibly top this moment. Maybe he just took greedy long shifts. His coaches probably hated him. Let's pretend you're right. Take all that evidence to the Will It Blend? guy and have him go to town. Awards Hart Defensemen are just generally not considered for the Hart trophy. Lidstrom, Robinson, Chelios. Elite defensemen, household names in some parts. All finished top-5 in Hart voting just once ( 1 time. in their entire career. Pronger did win one, but he was never close - either before, or after. Paul Coffey and Dennis Potvin were top-5 in Hart voting twice. Bourque was top-5 in Hart voting on FIVE (5) occasions. He received at least some votes for the Hart trophy 12 times. He finished 2nd in Hart voting twice - once to Gretzky who won his 8th consecutive Hart in '87, and. The 1990 Hart trophy: Wayne Gretzky won the scoring title with 142 points. Mark Messier clobbered his career high of 111 points with 129 - with 57 points more than anyone on his team other than Kurri. Brett Hull scored 72 goals to win the goal scoring race by 10. Only Yzerman was within 17 goals. Bourque's statline? Totally nondescript. You could hardly pick it out of his career - 21 goals / 73 assists (maybe 10 assists more than usual. But the people voting knew. 1st 2nd 3rd Points Messier 29 24 10 227 Bourque 29 26 2 225 Hull 4 9 33 80 Gretzky 1 2 5 16 Bourque had the same number of 1st place votes. More 2nd place votes. But Messier had just enough 3rd place votes to steal it. All Star Bourque was a 1st/2nd team All Star for 17 consecutive years - as a rookie and then every year until he was 36. With another 2 selections later in his career for good measure. He was a 1st team All Star 13 times - holding the record over everyone. The three times that Bourque wasn't a 1st/2nd team allstar? Well, four defensemen a year earn those honors, and he finished 7th/6th/6th - just barely "out of the money. Norris While Bourque may have "only" won the Norris 5 times (lol. He was top-4 (yes, four) for 17 years to start his career, and he not once, in 22 years, was he worse than 7th. What other player can you say that about? In any sport? Perhaps a handful in history? The last 5 years, 7th in Norris voting: Josi (17-18, 18-19) Doughty (16-17) Hedman (15-16) Keith (14-15. That was a roughly comparable to Bourque, when Bourque was at the lowest point of his career. Age (at season end) Norris Placing 19 4th 20 4th 21 2nd 22 3rd 23 3rd 24 2nd 25 4th 26 1st 27 1st 28 4th 29 1st 30 1st 31 2nd 32 2nd 33 1st 34 3rd 35 2nd 36 7th 37 7th 38 3rd 39 7th 40 2nd A couple Norris races I want to point out: Age 27, his 1st Norris win. 52 of 54 1st place votes. Age 30, his 3rd Norris win. Paul Coffey scored 103 points to finish 9th in the league. Bourque still won the Norris unanimously - 63 of 63 first place votes. Age 36, his first finish outside the top-4. He missed 20 games. His team finished dead last and allowed 20 goals more than any other team. The Bruins were a tire fire. He still got some votes. A side note about trophies in general Imagine we're at the 2020 entry draft, and the teams drafting 1st through 5th all have a different player ranked 1st overall on their scouting report, but the same player ranked 2nd overall. Even though all 5 teams drafting completely agree on the 2nd best player in the draft? He's going 6th overall at best. It doesn't matter if everybody agrees you're the 2nd prettiest girl at the dance - it just takes 1 person to fuck everything up. or 5 people to fuck your chances up in separate years. 1982 Doug Wilson fucked up Bourque's first Norris. He scored 39 goals - not scoring more than 23 either before or after. Couldn't you have done that a different year, Doug? Bourque finished 2nd in voting. 1983 He came 3rd, but the race was very close between all 3: That year, Langway won his first Norris despite posting just 39 points. Often people wonder about that. but even some people who watched 80s hockey and believe Langway fully deserved that Norris. You really had to see Langway in his prime. I have been unsuccessful at copying to Digital and uploading some of my Capitals games from that era. But Langway was a beast. lieve that Langway didn't deserve it the next year, nor did the 126 point season of Paul Coffey. It should have gone to Bourque. 1983-84 I believe Langway did not deserve it(Although he deserved to be a finalist. Runner up Coffey also did not deserve it. Bourque deserved it that year. A different person, later in that thread: Bourque might have been your best bet in '84 not Coffey despite popular opinion 1992 Brian Leetch fucked up a Norris for Bourque - setting a career high 102 points he would never come close to, before or after. Bourque came 2nd. 1996 Chelios fucked up another Norris for Bourque, winning despite Bourque having more 1st place votes. Here are a handful of elite defensemen, and how many times they were nominated for the Norris (finished top-3 in voting) Player Nominations Lidstrom 10 Chelios 6 Potvin 6 Coffey 6 MacInnis 6 Robinson 5 Langway 3 Leetch 3 Bourque 15 Honestly, Bourque's "Norris problem" was that he was too consistent. Yeah. That's a sentence. Too consistent. A Norris Problem. lol. If Bourque had 3-4 shittier seasons and 3-4 seasons like Doug Wilson's, or Brian Leetch's? If those guys didn't have the season they had, the year they had it? If Bourque didn't miss some games in any of the other 14 years he finished top-4? The narrow loss to Chelios? The win he 'may have' deserved against Langway/Coffey? If he had moved to a team with a Gretzky/Lemieux type player? If Hull doesn't steal enough 3rd place votes to give Messier the '90 Hart? There's an alternate universe where Bourque wins 10 or more Norris trophies and multiple Hart trophies, laughing all the way to the bank like a fox. Okay, I'm getting the picture, but lets be reality. if he was actually elite he would have dragged the Bruins further. Team Success While the Bruins didn't win the cup with Bourque. He was pretty much the only mainstay during the last 17 years of the Bruins record setting Playoff Appearance streak - and that streak certainly didn't end because of Bourque - as mentioned above, he got Norris attention that year. That awful '96 Bruins team - the only one that failed to make the playoffs with Bourque - had 10 defensemen appear in 27+ games, and Don Sweeney was the only d-man to dress for more than 62 games. Here's the team scoring leaders: Player Points Note Stumpel 76 One of two seasons he cracked 60 points. Oates 70 Finished 2nd on the team in scoring by 19 points despite being traded with more than 2 months left in the season Donato 51 Never again eclipsed 40 points or 16 goals; more than half his points included Oates and/or Bourque in the scoring play. Bourque 50 Tocchet 30 5th on the team in scoring, despite playing only 40 games - due to a shoulder injury, and then being traded along with Oates. DiMaio 28 His career high. He scored 3 shorthanded goals that year. Bourque assisted all 3. The only time Boston didn't make the playoffs was when they fielded. that. And Bourque was the only constant. When Boston did make the playoffs? Age Playoff Result Note 19 Lost 2nd round to the eventual champs (Islanders) 20 Lost 1st round to cup finalists (North Stars) 21 Lost 2nd round to Quebec in 7 games, 5 games decided by 1 goal 22 Lost 3rd round to the eventual champs (Islanders) 23 Lost 1st round 3-0 to Montreal, 2 games decided by 1 goal 24 Lost 1st round 3-2 to Montreal 25 Lost 1st round 3-0 to Montreal, 2 games decided by 1 goal 26 Lost 1st round 4-0 to Montreal, 2 games decided by 1 goal 27 Lost SCF to the champ Oilers, obviously. Compare these rosters! 28 Lost 2nd round 4-1 to Montreal, all 5 games decided by 1 goal 29 Lost SCF... Oilers, again. 30 Lost 3rd round to the eventual champs (Penguins) 31 Lost 3rd round to the eventual champs (Penguins) 32 Lost 1st round a massive upset, though 3 games were decided in OT 33 Lost 2nd round 3 losses by a single goal (excluding empty netters) 34 Lost 1st round to the eventual champs (Devils) 35 Lost 1st round to cup finalists (Panthers} 36 Lost 1st round to cup finalists (Capitals) 2 losses in OT and another by 1 goal + empty netter 37 DNP 38 Lost 2nd round to cup finalists (Bruins) 2x 1-goal losses and another by 1 goal + empty netter. Traded to Avalanche. 39 Lost 3rd round to cup finalists (Stars) in 7 games, 3 losses by a single goal 40 Won Stanley Cup Bourque's teams surprisingly consistently lost: to the champs, or at least a team that reached the finals by a single game, and/or with many games decided by a single goal Sometimes you just don't get the bounces when you need them. The Bruins teams he played on were just not equipped to deal with the superteams of the day (NYI/EDM/PIT) and they didn't catch lightning in a bottle where everything went their way one particular year (CGY/MTL/NYR. The Bruins record with and without Bourque in the lineup (from the start of the 1979 season until March 6th, 2000) With: 770-546-202, 94 point pace, winning 50. 7% of games. Without: 57-52-22, 85 point pace, winning 43. 5% of games. Huh. So Bourque was pretty good I guess? Comparables Hockey-Reference tries to calculate a pool of the most comparable players based on " similarity scores. tempts to find players whose careers were similar in terms of quality and shape. By shape. things like: How many years did he play? How good were his best years compared to his worst years? Did he have a few great years and then several mediocre years, or did he have many good-but-not-great years? For example, Patrick Elias Comparables all have a "similarity score" of between 90 and 95. their career quality, duration, and arc was fairly close. Here is Bourque's: Only four ( 4. defensemen have a "similarity" score over 77. Even compared to elite Hall of Fame defensemen. Their careers almost universally "tapered off" earlier, and many of them much harder. Some of those guys were not super competitive at the end of their career - kept on to teach youngsters, to play out their contracts, as powerplay specialists or role players. Some of them continued to pile up offensive numbers but lost an edge defensively. Not Bourque. He was an absolute monster, from the start of his career and for 22 years to the very end. His "peak" seasons were crushing, His "great" seasons were comparable to many HoF'ers "peak" seasons, His "meh" seasons were still extremely comparable to elite defensemen just outside their prime. Using that measure (point shares) to approximate how much impact Bourque had. After all you've read, you shouldn't be surprised to find out Bourque is 2nd only to Gretzky. Not only are the two are pretty much neck and neck, but. gobs of elite players from history are way behind the two of them. Is that a perfect measure? No. But taken with the totality of information provided above? Even if you did shred/light/sink/flush all that evidence as requested? There's just too much of it. Bourque had the biggest career impact in defensive point shares. He shows up 7 times in the top-200 best defensive seasons - as compared to Lidstrom (5) Stevens (5) Robinson (7) Chelios (5) Savard (6. He was top-4 in the league in defensive point shares 10 times. In his 2nd worst defensive season, at age 39, he was very roughly comparable to Alzner, Hainsey, Carlson, Muzzin, Stralman, Pietrangelo. His 2nd worst season, at age 39. Odds and Ends He won the "most accurate shooter" competition 8 times - including 5 years in a row from '97 to '01. Bourque started his career as 'injury prone. He had three major fractures in two years: Ray Bourque suffered a fractured left [forearm] last week in a pickup softball game Bourque fractured his jaw in a fight at Detroit in November of 1980 actured his wrist during a check against Quebec defenseman Andre Dupont Bourque had every opportunity to make himself the highest paid defenseman and/or shop the market. Instead, he quietly and quickly resigned for salary amounts that even pissed off the NHLPA (who were trying to drive up wages. he was only top-5 in salary one year in his career and regularly took home far less than he deserved. Bourque didn't take less money because he didn't care about money - he did file for arbitration in 1993. This is what the arbitrator had to say: A club's salary offer must properly recognize the players' capabilities and contributions. Bourque's achievements are "stunning. Every season he has been named to the All-Star Team and has been the winner or runner-up for the Norris Trophy as the game's best defenseman. Measured by the standards as agreed upon by the NHL and the NHLPA, including overall performance, number of games played, length of service, overall contribution to the club, and leadership and public appeal, Bourque simply is unmatched. Agreed. Something to keep in mind: The owners, certainly during the 80s, were (and some still are) actively fucking the players. They withheld all salary information, so as a player, you either had zero negotiating power, or you had to ask people their salary - which was much more frowned upon then. Bourque would go into negotiations having no idea what anyone else made. Ray Bourque said that in the past he and other players had tried to get salary information before negotiating and felt uncomfortable when doing so. having all salaries released. it's good for the players, especially when it comes time to renegotiate. he told the Montreal Gazette. "That way you know exactly how you fare with players at your level. It's a lot better than trying to go in and guess all the time. "You always felt uncomfortable going up to a guy and asking, Hey, how much are you making. This way all you have to do is peek at the list. He wasn't trying to put the screws to his employer, he was awkwardly asking other players their salary... I don't know Mr. Bourque, but. It sure sounds like he just wanted what was reasonably fair. Everybody has their own definition of "classy" but... if that's not classy, then it's at least honorable. Another article from back in the day. Some players (eg., defenseman Raymond Bourque) have been criticized in the past because they did not test out the free-agent market and instead, out of loyalty to their teams, signed contracts for less money than they would have received if they had made themselves available to the highest bidder. Gripes... with Bourque, obviously. but with what I expect someone to inevitably say: Well of course nobody will catch him in points, there were a bazillion goals in the 80s. Using League Averages (and no I didn't take an average of averages) the NHL saw teams average 3. 38 goals per game during Bourque's career. Since the '04- 05 lockout, the NHL has seen teams average 2. 85 goals per game. the difference is under 20. Okay? Now Karlsson only needs to average 79 points without missing a game until he's 40 to catch Bourque? Now Bourque drops from 11th to 17th in career points, still hundreds of points ahead of every defenseman except Coffey? So what. You still can't compare between eras even with adjusting. I don't think that era-adjusting is the be-all end-all. I haven't mentioned Harvey (7 Norris trophies in 8 years) or Shore (4 Harts) for that reason. That being said... Award voting is among his peers, and he absolutely crushed that - in a manner that I sincerely doubt we'll ever see a defenseman replicate. Nobody in the NHL is even close to being consistently top-10 in Norris voting for a full decade. Time on ice is dictated by his coach and his capability, and has nothing to do with era. His team winning% fell by 7. 2% in the 1. 6 seasons worth of games he missed; that time on ice seems well-spent. His closest comparables had careers that overlapped his. He wasn't just compiling a fantastic career in a void - he was doing it while playing against all those guys. Fuck stats and numbers and all that stuff. Show me clips. I would love to, but Sadly... The footage available online from that era is mostly garbage. There are some youtube compilations available that aren't hard to find if you're interested. The thing about highlight clips... Yeah, Bourque had highlight plays, but. That wasn't what made Bourque great. The highlights were a cherry on top of the desert of Bourque's game; all the small things he did, and how consistently he did them, was the main course of the meal. In Summary. Ray Bourque's career was basically ~15 years of Norris-worthy play with 5-6 years of being "just" a clearly top-5 to top-10'ish defenseman. Please, the next time you see someone talking about the greatest defenseman ever. If someone rattles off the name Bourque like he was "just" one of those greats from the 80s/90s, politely remind them. Send them this link. Contact your local chapter of the Raymond Bourque Apprecation Club (if your area doesn't have one, start one. If someone forgets to mention Bourque while bringing up Lidstrom, Coffey, et al... Please - head to the nearest market, find yourself the freshest fish you can (I personally recommend a trout. and use it to slap them around a bit, because that's absurd. The next time you hear someone say "Gretzky/Lemieux/Howe/Orr type" consider adding Bourque to the list. If you somehow think he's not in a tier with those guys, then he must be _ all alone in your tier 2, because nobody else came close.

Star wars in the 70's had better effects then. The assistant watch full length movies. Compelling trailer I should say. The assistant watch full length trailer. Sure puts a spanner in the concept of white privilege, hopefully this opens the eyes of people that insist only some people are worthy of help. The assistant watch full length season. They actually played an ad trailer before the trailer. Savage 😂. No time to die but tomorrow never dies so youll just die another day. Man, “Its every mans worst nightmare to be accused of something like that!” Woman, “Can you guess what every womens worst nightmare is?” Damn.

You gotta break a few Greggs to make a Tomlette. The assistant watch full length form. 1:53 I don't believe you can dodge like that without wings. Artist: clipping. Album: There Existed an Addiction to Blood Listen/Purchase: Bandcamp Spotify Google Play Music Tidal iTunes/Apple Music YouTube Background - provided by /u/yung_hokage_stef Comprised of rapper, actor, film producer, Tony award-winning thespian and frequent Sesame Street guest Daveed Diggs, alongside noise producers Jonathan Snipes and Bill Hutson, clipping. is an experimental hip-hop group hailing from Los Angeles, California. Since their inception in 2009, the trio has steadily released numerous projects to online audiences, each receiving acclaim from music publications and experimental fans alike, and in doing so have built up one of the most unique and critically celebrated discographies of the decade. Known primarily for their incorporation of harsh noise elements, clipping. have continuously rejected the comfort of familiar time signatures, standard song structures and catchy beats in lieu of hideously distorting them beyond recognition with unlikely inspiration from early avant-garde musicians such as John Cage and Pierre Schaeffer. Ambient art rap for the apocalypse, if you may. And yet, despite their near-inhospitable soundscape, clipping. have remained firmly rooted within hip-hop, proudly embracing the genres spirit of interconnectivity, anti-establishment and DIY ethics. From collaborations ranging from Hellfyre Club to Gangsta Boo, a consistent use of out-of-the-box samples, and ever-present political undertones, clippings discography is more like the music of yesteryear reprogrammed for a digital age in which every point of history has coalesced into one. Sonic Youth spliced with ODB. Kendrick Lamar aboard the Event Horizon. And now, Afrocentric mythos on Elm Street. Though clipping. consistently push the envelope by seemingly tearing down every expectation of what rap music should be, they simultaneously harken back to its earliest and purest forms. It doesnt take long to see how Public Enemy collaborators The Bomb Squads harsh, music-concrète-inspired production holds as much influence on their sound as industrial pioneers like Throbbing Gristle. Their first release in 2013 saw the group turning West Coast hip-hop on its head with the mixtape midcity, depicting the inner-city life and gang culture of California in perhaps the most disorienting and oppressive way imaginable. The G-funk of Long Beach and the bounce of Bay Area hyphy remained only in spirit as Diggs wove nihilistic passages of drugs, sex, and violence smothered between brash walls of static and ear-piercing synths, sometimes resembing a beat. Like E-40 on a Merzbow record, this dichotomy of old-school hallmarks blended with the hellish pulse of the future was enough for midcity to garner considerable online coverage and favourable reviews despite minimal promotion. They signed to the record label Sub Pop three months later. With Sub Pops backing they wasted no time getting to work on their self-titled debut, CLPPNG, taking the ideas they had with midcity and weaving them into a more digestible offering without compromising the abrasive qualities that drew fans in initially. With the harsh noise infusion taking a slight back seat this time around, clipping. focused their efforts on earworm hooks and upbeat instrumentals that were just fringe enough to keep the party going while making you question what the hell you were listening to. If a commercial rap album was manufactured by the deep web, it would materialize as CLPPNG. Released in 2014, it would go on to receive glowing reception, finding its way onto several year-end lists. In between tours of Broadway juggernaut Hamilton where Diggs starred as both Thomas Jefferson and Marquis de Lafayette, clipping. dropped the hypersexual EP Wriggle to tide fans over until the release of their upcoming full-length, Splendor & Misery, slated to drop later that year in 2016. An Afrofuturist space opera, Splendor & Misery tells the story of a lone survivor of an uprising on board an intergalactic slave ship where the AI becomes infatuated with the protagonist. A soundtrack born from a barely living hull, the survivor wrestles between relinquishing his freedom in hopes of salvation, or sentencing himself to a lonely existence in the black ocean of space. Intertwining the slave songs of the Underground Railroad with 2001: A Space Odyssey, its an incredibly ambitious work of art that feels more like a play than an album at various points. Aside from clipping. s typical critical fanfare, Splendor & Misery would go on to receive a nomination for the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation in Short Form, the first album in the awards history to earn that honour since 1970. Aside from releasing aquatic musical novella “The Deep” in 2017 (also nominated for a Hugo Award) clipping. would remain relatively quiet for the next three years. On August 14, 2019, their vow of silence would be broken when they dropped the song “Nothing is Safe” paired with the announcement of their upcoming third studio album There Existed an Addiction to Blood. Billed as a “transmutation of horrorcore”, listeners prepared for a revisiting of classic horror tropes through the lens of clipping. s dystopian workings, supported by assisting singles “La Mala Ordina” and “Blood of the Fang”. Unleashed a few weeks later on October 18, There Existed an Addiction to Blood would arrive just in time for All Hallows Eve. Review - provided by /u/yung_hokage_stef Much discussion can be had from the title of the album alone, There Existed an Addiction to Blood. On the surface, it clearly echoes vampiric imagery, supported by the numerous wooden stakes on the albums cover. But with a few Google searches, one comes to find that the title pays homage to Bill Gunns 1973 experimental horror film Ganja & Hess, specifically a line from “The Blood of the Thing” composed by Sam Waymon for the films OST. Regarded as a landmark within African-American independent cinema, Ganja & Hess tells the story of Dr. Hess Green, an anthropologist studying an ancient civilization of blood-worshippers originating from Africa, the Myrthians. After his assistant attacks him with a Myrthian ceremonial dagger, Hess discovers his newfound immortality as a vampire, and with that an insatiable sanguine thirst. Amidst struggling to cope with his addiction, his assistants wife, Ganja, comes to Hess looking for her husband who has since killed himself. The two quickly form a bond, with Hess turning Ganja into a vampire, and they soon begin to live out their ghastly lives together. Unfortunately for Gunn, Ganja & Hess was the exact opposite of what its financiers had hoped for. Hot on the heels of box-office hits like Blacula and Blackenstein, a modest budget of 350, 000 was supplied to create a cheap, sufficient black horror film that would satisfy audiences with mainstream horror schlock and blaxploitation tropes. Instead they got a challenging, albeit rewarding piece on addiction, religion, black identity and cultural assimilation/extinction. To the chagrin of Gunn, the films producers pulled it from release shortly after its first post-Cannes Film Festival premiere, where its length was cut drastically, its name changed, its rights sold to another company, and it was ultimately forgotten (though it has found a home amongst cult audiences. Why bring all this up? Because the inspiration Gunns film has on clipping. s newest outing goes far beyond a title. Much like Ganja & Hess, There Existed an Addiction to Blood uses the classic horror iconography of violence, mortality and the paranormal as a vehicle for something far more poignant and political. Topped off with masterful storytelling, mind-bending flows and production that is both breathtaking and bone-chilling, clipping. s third LP is a contorted portrait of the fragility of life within a city stained with shit, piss, and of course, blood. In true clipping. fashion, the project begins with an “Intro” track, typically characterized by Diggs setting the stage for what's to come through snappy rapid-fire flows, essentially a capella save for some ambiance and background noise. Over the sound of what appears to be somebody digging a grave, Diggs details a rushed story in second-person about a former drug dealer haunted by past ghosts, the scent of death approaching. Aside from being an enticing introduction, if youre a first time listener its an apt summation of Diggs capabilities as an MC. In a near-robotic fashion, Diggs breakneck vocals start and stop on a dime, with the ability to switch between intricate flows fluently as his sharp, careful diction enunciates each and every word with a precision that demands your attention. Amongst clipping. s organized chaos, Diggs is alarmingly calm and calculated. While his all-too-perfect delivery has been criticized in the past for being monotone and hollow, I think its a perfect match for There Existed an Addiction to Blood s grisly themes as he approaches the macabre with the numbed ease of a seasoned killer. A testament to the trios appreciation of horror media and its history, the following 10 tracks each contain their own concepts inspired by specific films or tropes, but still ultimately come together. Take “Nothing is Safe” for example. A faithful ode to the works of John Carpenter, “Nothing is Safe” features a sparse piano-based instrumental eerily reminiscent of the score to Halloween. Continuing the Carpenter homage, Diggs bases the plotline of the track on a clever reimagining of Assault on Precinct 13, a personal favourite of his. The original film follows a team of police officers tasked with defending a defunct precinct from swarms of gang members in response to brutal police killings. The album, however, puts things in reverse. The protagonists are now gang members holed up in a trap house, taking turns keeping watch as they continue their drug-dealing duties. To the dismay of our protagonists, it's not long before things go south, starting with just one casualty, and then eventually a full-blown police raid as the surviving members are picked off one-by-one while they stare imminent death in the face. It's an excellently paced track, with Diggs nimble vocals slowly becoming more hostile as the night draws on, and when all hell breaks loose, the ominous chorus becomes backed by 80s horror movie synths. The transformation of police officers into inhuman predators is simple but effective, but it also iterates on a common thread found throughout There Existed an Addiction to Blood. For a genre that regularly defies the laws of nature, much of the horror clipping. shines a light on is all too real. The squalor of poverty, the looming threat of law enforcement, the depravity of gang conflict, the specter of white supremacy. Struggles of survival in spite of all this is what propels each individual narrative that clipping. offers here to the fullest effect. The Ed Balloon-assisted “He Dead” finds a small-time trapper on a run for his life from cops, likened to werewolves, as he scrambles to find his allegorical silver bullet amidst a sea of racist profiling and violence. An all-too-common result of the mistreatment of minorities via the powers that be, subtle nods to PTSD and anxiety are given but brushed aside as our lead shifts gears to one thing and one thing only: “stay alive at all costs”. An excerpt from Ed Balloons intro carries the point home: Cause they don't think you matter, oh no They want to take your power, oh no And make you even lesser, oh no And add you to the number Don't let them get close They're screamin' out murder You've got to be cautious Before they destroy ya Conversely, “The Show” transports us to the set of a fabled online "red room" where unlucky contestants get horrifically mutilated for the viewing pleasure of others. Equal parts Saw and Videodrome, Diggs presents the listener with gory details of his victims torture over a clunky mechanical beat of whirrs and drones. Broken bones, flayed flesh, all to the tune of paying customers, and it does a formidable job of displaying how easy it is to be dehumanized when you're merely pixels on a screen for someone else's entertainment. Now, while itd be unwise to label There Existed an Addiction to Blood as simply horrorcore, it does aim to scare, even with its heavier implications. Horror is a genre where sound design is many times more important than what's actually on screen, and with its pantheon containing some of films most iconic soundtracks and effects, one should expect an album that is equally memorable. Thankfully, the work of Snipes and Hutton on this album is brilliant, combining their trademark noise and usage of ambiance with a darker, more sinister sound pioneered from the cassettes of Memphis hip-hop. The end product is a score that is stunning, if only for how downright disturbing it manages to get. Snipes and Huttons production stays loyal to Diggs ill-omened air, elevating already-morbid vignettes into something hideously captivating. Whether an urgent tense rhythm or a drumless vacuum of dread, There Existed an Addiction to Blood s instrumentals compliment Diggs every step of the way. “Club Down”, the byproduct of Vaudeville Villain and Night of the Living Dead swapping zombies for drug addicts, is a production highlight. Diggs sets the stage for a city rife with trash, drifters, and criminal activity, and though his harrowing account does more than enough to make the listener uneasy, it's the restless, carefully built atmosphere that makes this track a standout. Beginning with hefty industrial clangs and a gravelly bassline, its not long before the odd reverb-heavy scream gets thrown into the mix. Things only ramp up from here as Diggs, certain of the citys implosion, becomes nearly enveloped by the screaming, the cries for help getting louder as the gutter rises to the surface. By the end of the track the shrieks have echoed into each other creating an endless stream of pain and suffering that doesnt let up until the very last second. Its easily the most frightening song Ive heard in recent memory, and its execution shows Snipes and Huttons understanding of the nuance it takes to craft something truly terrifying. On a lighter note, There Existed an Addiction to Blood also continues clippings tradition of inventive audio techniques. The most notable example is “Run for Your Life”, a tale in which a kleptomaniac tries to evade a murderous drug queenpin after doing her wrong. The track relies almost exclusively on ambient recordings of a downtown area, but occasionally the sound of a car driving by can be heard blasting a Three 6 Mafia-type beat from its speaker as it passes the narrator (in a recent AMA they confirmed that they actually recorded real cars driving by them playing the instrumentals. This is what serves as the rhythm for Diggs flow, and its diegetic use, along with the ambiance, brings the urban setting to life. This song isnt about somebody scrambling for survival, the song is somebody scrambling for survival. Another sonic layer is added to the fray when guest star La Chat enters. The music heard in passing becomes the backbone of the beat as La Chat raps from the perspective of the pursuer, transporting the listener into her car, the very same car from which the music was playing from earlier! While reinforcing the self-contained world building without seeming gimmicky, its an ingenious artistic choice that adds much to the track and makes it yet another highlight on the production side. Even with numerous releases under their belt at this point, its endearing to see clipping. as eager to innovate as they were when they first broke out. The hip-hop spirit that clipping. carries with themselves still rings true on There Existed an Addiction to Blood, most notably with its guest appearances. In contention for most unexpected collaboration of 2019, “La Mala Ordina” features Benny the Butcher and El Camino of Buffalos Griselda collective. A reference to the 1972 crime drama The Italian Connection, “La Mala Ordina” exposes the rap tropes of the gangster lifestyle with its harsher, more cruel realities, making several allusions to Mafia-related matters. Doing his best Leatherface impression, Diggs rhymes of cracked skulls, peeled skin and dismembered limbs like an unhinged hitman, calling out all glorified “actors” who fail to understand the gravity of the set they supposedly claim. While Camino and Benny pull off solid performances, their verses arent that much different from what they usually offer, and I do wish they played more into the theme of the track (especially with a stage name like “the Butcher”. Regardless, the fact that this pairing simply exists still makes it one of their more notable guest appearances. Painting the mob life as a grainy, sleazy slasher film and recruiting two artists that embody the mafioso styles of 90s East Coast rap is a smart concept, bridging the seemingly incompatible worlds of horror films and organized crime into something very fluid. It continues with the aforementioned La Chat feature, which has clipping. paying respect to the city where sampling Halloween is a rite of passage: Memphis, Tennessee. Host to artists such as Tommy Wright III, Al Kapone, and of course Three 6 Mafia and its associates, Memphis, while perhaps not the birth place of horrorcore, served as a breeding ground for the subgenre in the 90s. Hundreds upon hundreds of cassette tapes would spawn from the region at its peak, featuring double time flows, satanic subject matter and lo-fi production, like the audio equivalent of a cursed VHS tape. Memphis is an absolute treasure trove of the stuff, and anybody willing to dig a bit beyond the reach of modern streaming services will find a scene that is bountiful as it is twisted (in fact I even did a writeup on some lesser known tapes from the city a while back. On the topic of La Chat, her appearance on There Existed an Addiction to Blood is clipping. coming full circle, melding old-school traditions with cybernetic bedlam. Aside from her inclusion, the likes of horrorcore pioneers Geto Boys, Bone Thugs-n-Harmony and Brotha Lynch Hung can be heard all over this album in Diggs' flow, mannerisms and subject matter, revealing yet another tether that keeps the otherwise astral trio grounded. Though its packed with subliminal stances beneath all its guts and gore, There Existed an Addiction to Blood s political angles are at their most overt on “Blood of the Fang”. Returning once again to Ganja & Hess, “Blood of the Fang” samples the titular line from the films OST throughout the song, interspersed between Diggs bars and breaks in the beat. Its a fitting use, as the topic at hand is indeed a need for blood. Not involving ancient vampires however, but rather, the history of bloodlust towards African-Americans brought forth by white supremacists. In a political climate where the deep American tradition of racism has more willingly emerged from its hiding places as of late, “Blood of the Fang” is clipping. s militant call to arms against those who perpetuate it. Serving as a celebration of black empowerment by way of the Black Panther Party, Diggs pays tribute to the numerous activists who fought to reject the normalized ideals of white nationalism whilst urging others to follow suit. There are no dissenting “opinions”, respectful debates or nebulous “both sides” cop-outs. Quoting Malcolm X, Diggs reiterates that the civil liberties of black people is something that will be fought for, “by any means”. The first verse is structured as an origin story for the Black Panthers, referencing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the subsequent founding of the Panthers in 1966. Brief recounts of the opposition faced are alluded to, but the most striking aspect of this section is the framing used to portray the Panthers. With the opening line Drink it up, fifty years 'bout enough, time to come back. its as if Diggs is summoning them from the depths, depicting them as a primordial force amid slumber, patiently waiting in the shadows for whatever cursed act awakes them. Its an extremely powerful metaphor given that the Panthers were dissolved, but certainly not forgotten through their cultural impact, while also playing into the campy horror aesthetic. After a nod to social activist Angela Davis, the song bursts into a lively chorus sampling a work song from the Bongili people of the Congo Republic, furthering “Blood of the Fang”s Afrocentric themes. Diggs rolls with the topic of revolution, and by the third verse has assembled a newly resurrected Black Panther Party, back from the dead, unclaimed by the murderous attempts of White America. Like an undying Jason Voorhees in the eyes of racists, the reanimated likes of George Jackson and Bobby Seale to David Hillard and Afeni Shakur have risen from their graves, thirsty for blood and ready to strike. The song is a lot to grasp, squeezing several historical metaphors into three tight verses, but the hook sums it up flawlessly: Look back, blood on the ground Look straight, they still shooting' Jump back, still here Now what that tell you 'bout death? Death ain't shit, you got to- The history of black people in America is bloody to say the least, with the usual suspects being slavery and Jim Crow laws, among other things. Despite overcoming said hurdles, their long lasting effects cut deep. Whats more, in the present gun violence towards black people is still an all-too common occurrence in the form of police brutality and domestic terrorism. But still, the fight against racism persists, for not even the great equalizer of death is enough to stop those who spit in the face of oppression. It is hopeless and optimistic. Desolate and empowering. This is without a doubt one of clipping. s finest pieces. Lastly, I felt that this review wouldnt be complete without glossing over “Piano Burning”, the albums closer. Its audio of a piano. burning. For 18 minutes. This track serves as a tribute to composer Annea Lockwoods 1968 performance art piece of the same name. After contacting Lockwood herself for permission to recreate the composition, clipping. proceeded to follow its instructions and do just that. Im not going to pretend I understand it, and admittedly its something Ive only sat through once, skipping it on every subsequent listen. I doubt itll get many spins from anybody, but I do commend clipping. for adding it nonetheless. Its something that could easily be viewed as pretentious or detrimental to the albums experience, and yet, clipping. saw fit to incorporate it into their vision out of love for the music experimentation they hold so dear to themselves. As the piano is softly reduced to ash you are left with nothing but dead stillness, a ghostly but oddly welcome respite from the onslaught of death and decay you just bore witness to. For the second time this decade, clipping. have managed to take the medium of the concept album to a plane few artists would dare travel to. Lacking neither the theatrics nor the pure musical foundation to direct whatever splintered views they conjure, the trio regularly draws attention to previously dismissed perspectives while inspiring new ones. Much like a horror film, There Existed an Addiction to Blood to many will be viewed as abhorrent, distasteful and downright unenjoyable to engage with. But for those willing to stand in the crossfire of clipping. s digital warpath, an electrifying, forward thinking and politically charged love-letter to outsider art can be found. Favourite Lyrics They hunt as a pack and they packin' more firepower than you ever imagined The pack on your back rattles back and forth, no slack Go faster, go faster, they masters of trapping and You just a trapper who went for a Masters And dropped out when it didn't matter no more Your body of work didn't embody bodyin' bodies And watchin' them pile on the floor So what them books got you but dreams of everything lost? What does sleep bring you but screams at night when you toss? And turn hope into stone, your motto embossed Stay alive at all costs “He Dead” Rock, paper, ice pick, nice trick, no homonym Cutouts from a magazine, make letters for your mom n them Who remember arts and crafts, these killers is artisans With an arsenal to elevate your arteries, start again Rock, paper, zip tie, that slow burn, that drip dry That fissures in your field of vision make your world a fish-eye That round edge make it worser when the bubble burst you just cry Laid out on the floor without a tongue, trying to ask why Rock, paper, gunshot, classic out in some spots If you prefer the sweet life maybe you can die like gum drops Smooth and round and melting if you're left out when the sun's hot This is the preferred method of smart killers and dumb cops “La Mala Ordina” The symphony is tectonic, it shifts as the Earth is settlin' Precious metals are mined and a million minds have been meddlin' with time In the hopes of getting a golden noose for the neck Golden goose from a fairy tale, shittin' Fabergé eggs “Club Down” Fist in the sky if you ready, dice a ofay like confetti They thought you was playin' Though really the game was more trainin' There finna be (Blood) And much of it blues Time to fly, cause you know time fickle So cold, finna snow, swing a icicle Takin' out a police or a politician issuing a statement sayin' Turn it on a dime or get the nickel And it ain't just money, B, this ain't honey Sweet, but it's funny to think of them wantin' to speak When this pain is deep and ingrained in (Blood) “Blood of the Fang” Talking Points Much of the subject matter on this album (at least on the surface) could easily be viewed as edgy and repulsive. Do you find it easier to overlook and go along with content thats rather unpleasant when its intentionally done in the name of being scary or unsettling, much like with a horror film? Does this album have enough merit to rise above the pigeonholed categorization of a “Halloween rap album” and stand on its own, or could you only see yourself spinning this whenever October comes around? What is it about clipping. 's music that you find allows them to utilize rather outlandish backdrops (a sentient space station, the paranormal etc. in an evocative and effective manner when drawing parallels with more grounded topics such as racism or civil rights? Given that this album is heavily inspired by a cult-classic independent horror flick, are there any obscure horror films you feel more people should know about.

The Assistant Watch Full lengthy. 1 Bucks. 45-7 Despite standing pat at the trade deadline, we managed to improve by landing our #1 buyout market target, the 3&D PF Marvin Williams. He figures to slot in nicely at the 4 when we play our Giannis-at-the-5 death-lineups (which have a +24. 8 netrtg in 177 minutes this season. It also appears from his social media that Giannis is going to become a father some time this week, which is pretty damn exciting. It really feels like we got to watch this kid grow up before our eyes. 2 Raptors +3 39-14 The raptors are currently boasting a franchise best 14 straight victories, which is additionally a record for any canadian professional sports team. Despite key injuries to Marc Gasol, Norman Powell, and recently Kyle Lowry, the raptors next man up mentality and stellar play from undrafted rookie Terence Davis II, and veteran Serge Ibaka, has propelled us during this run. Throughout this win streak Terence has been averaging 11. 4/4. 4/1. 6, on incredible shooting splits of. 555. 525. 750, while Serge has been putting up 17. 4/6. 6 on 57% from the field and 43% from 3. Both have been providing calming presence, hitting key shots in fourth quarters, and have contributed immensely to our defence. This truly is the golden era of Toronto Raptors basketball, and its an honour to be witnessing it. 3 Lakers -1 39-12 The Lakers have gone 3-2 in last 2 weeks, with wins over the Kings, Spurs and Warriors. The two losses vs the Blazers and the Rockets definitely hurt as they were winnable games. The Lakers have not been playing good basketball as of late. I think the entire team is just ready for the All-Star break to begin. 4 Celtics +4 37-15 Despite seemingly all the injuries in the world, the Celtics are rolling. After holding pat at the trade deadline after a failed attempt at getting Davis Bertans from the Wizards, the Celtics are 7-0 since our last powerranking with wins over the Heat, Warriors, 76ers, Hawks twice, Magic, and Thunder. The Celtics, in the middle of an absolutely brutal schedule where they've had a game literally every other day since New Years, will randomly have a fucking 7 day break between games before going back to a game every other day. Good work NBA Scheduling. Between now and the next powerrankings the Celtics play 4 times, with matchups against the Rockets, Clippers, Timberwolves, and Lakers. 5 Nuggets +1 37-16 The Nuggets have continued to impress the basketball world with strong performances against playoff-bound teams. Whether it's a double digit victory in a road SEGABABA against the top team in the East, or a 7 man roster winning a SEGABABA in Utah, these Nuggets are proving that they're strong enough to fight through a slew of injuries and a tough schedule to assert their place as a contender in the West. Jamal Murray has been white hot since returning from his 10 game absence, averaging 29 points a game on 61. shooting. With his return, along with the return of Paul Millsap and Gary Harris, the Nuggets are primed for a deep playoff run as long as they continue to take care of business. 6 Clippers -2 37-16 Turns out, making 60% of your 3s wins you games. The defense could've been better against MIN, but it was such an anomaly of a game. Morris looked good in his first game, though it was against Cleaveland, so a little hard to tell. The MIN game also shows how important PatBev is to the team. The full healthy lineup will be pretty good. 7 Jazz -4 34-18 Utah could have theoretically gone 0-7 in the past 2 weeks with a difficult schedule, with them surviving at 2-5 with a clutch buzzer beater from Bojan Bogdanovic. Mike Conley is back in the starting lineup with increased minutes, which has helped him greatly get back into the groove, with some side effects of slightly decreased efficiency from Donovan Mitchell and Joe Ingles. With the rising of bench hopefuls Jordan Clarkson, Georges Niang, and Juwan Morgan, will Coach Snyder continue to use his set in stone rotations or will he instead experiemnt more towards the tail end of the season to find the most effective lineups? 8 Heat -1 34-18 I can always trust Riley to make some moves that get you excited for the postseason. We unloaded two players with rough times as of late and another guy who's needed a fresh start. Losing Winslow has created somewhat of a rift in the fan base since he's only 23 (even though it feels like he's been playing forever) and I'm sure some guys were hoping he'd spend his entire career with Miami. However, this is an ideal situation for all the players involved outside of having to relocate their families and adjust to new locations. Winslow gets to recover and start anew with a young group of ballers, Waiters gets to go somewhere else, and James Johnson gets to clean up his reputation. Some players aren't comfortable with the intensity of Miami and they go to other locations and perform better. Even if the players we got end up not helping us win anything this year it sets us up for an exciting and refreshing Summer. 9 Rockets +3 33-20 A couple weeks back was the first time in over 90 games that we hadn't made 10 threes in a game. Clearly, this was unacceptable, and desperate times call for desperate measures. We had no other option but to trade our center to ensure that this travesty would never happen again. We can just play our 7-foot Hartenstein who has been doing well in every chance he's gotten. Oh wait, nevermind, why do that when we can just run PJ Tucker's knees into the ground? Oh well, at least we beat the Lakers. 10 Thunder +3 32-21 One of the most shocking of Woj Bombs this deadline may have been the one that never dropped: Oklahoma City is keeping its team fully intact for one. last playoff run. The expectation now is that Gallinari will receive a Sign-and-Trade to the destination of his choice this summer, when he may just be the best player available in a historically awful free agent class. The futures of Paul and Adams are still unclear, but both will be much easier to trade this time next year with less length on their expensive contracts. 11 76ers -2 33-21 12 Mavericks -2 32-21 While the Mavs continue to slip in the standings, two clouds hang over the Mavs: Luka Doncic's injury and the continuing disparity in how Luka and Porzingis play together. Luka may miss the remainder of games until the all star break, putting his all star status in question. Meanwhile, Porzingis has played a huge role in Doncic's absence, guiding the Mavericks to an upset win at Indiana. The Mavs continue to struggle at home, which is something they need to address as the heat of the season approaches. 13 Grizzlies +1 27-26 Week after the trade deadline is the toughest of the season imo. (Seriously, how the fuck do you rank the D-Lo Timberwolves? I refuse to blindly guess and so just ranked them on their year to date ¯_ ツ) ¯. Is Winslow an improvement over Jae? Long term, the answer should be yes. But this season in particular? Unclear. Anyway, we turned Iggy (and other vets) into a very talented young guy who actually fits our timeline. That was always our plan and is a win in my book. 14 Pacers -3 31-22 Wednesday, January 29, 2020. A glorious day for the Pacers as Victor Oladipo returned to action for the first time since rupturing his quad in early 2019. An amazing night capped off by Vic's game-tying 3 pointer to lead Indiana into an overtime win over the rival Bulls. Oh, how naive we were at the time. Since that game, Indiana has absolutely cratered. 5 straight losses, including 4 at home. 10 point lead given up in less than 2 minutes at Toronto. Getting worked by a Doncic-less Mavericks. Losing to New Orleans sans Brandon Ingram and Zion Williamson. There is no one cause of Indiana's struggles. The offense stalls and doesn't run sets until late in the shot clock. The defense, particularly the 3-point line defense, has fallen off a cliff. The only solace so far is that Oladipo looks to imporve a little bit each game. 15 Trail Blazers +2 25-29 If not for an egregiously bad call at the end of their game against the Jazz, the Blazers would be sitting at 8-2 over the last 10 right now. As it stands, they're still 7-3 with quality wins over Indiana, Houston, LAL, San Antonio, and Miami. Over that stretch Lillard has continued his absolute tear, Trent Jr. is proving yet again that Olshey is a master at finding gems in the second round, and Ariza is showing us he still has some gas left in the tank. 16 Nets +4 23-28 Whew, Caris Levert may just be back. In Kyries absence, Caris has seized the starting lineup and produced some great numbers. Hes averaged 29. 7 points and 6. 3 assists on 11-of-16 3-point shooting this week, which is a massive improvement from the timid version that weve been watching the last few weeks. Nets fans are hoping that he can continue this level of play when Kyrie returns – it seems that Kyrie, Spencer, and Caris have not been able to get a rhythm going at the same time. The team is benefitting from a softer schedule as Kyrie heals from a bone bruise and he will likely sit through the all-star break. 17 Pelicans +1 22-31 The Pelicans are still playing at a really high level, but it doesn't seem high enough to get into the playoffs just yet with Damian Lillard hard carrying Portland and Memphis continuing their winning ways. It still all comes down to the last month of the season but as of right now the Pelicans need to pick it up even further if they really want to make a serious playoff push. 18 Spurs -3 22-30 19 Kings +4 21-31 20 Magic -4 22-31 We suck and so do the refs. Can't beat a team unless they're the Hornets, and even though the rest of the schedule isn't tough, confidence is super low right now. Isaac is probably gonna be kept out for the rest of the season but at least we got James Ennis? Guess we'll see how much he and Gary Clark can help our shooting woes. 21 Suns -2 21-32 Devin Booker was SNUBBED 22 Wizards +2 18-33 So let me get this Washington Wizards have won 18 total matches, are 15 games under. 500, lost to the league-worst Warriors, and 3 games out of the playoffs? What is going on here? Player-wise, Beal should've been an All-Star, I already miss Jordy McBuckets, and I am so glad that IT's one legged mid range jumpshots and passive defense are gone. 23 Bulls -1 19-35 Over the past few years that I've been doing these writeups, it seems to be cyclical. Talk about the need to fire GarPax. Move on to recognizing the progress and potential on our squad. These two phases can last for weeks at a time. Consider the current "fire GarPax" phase to be indefinitely active until further notice. 25 Pistons -3 19-36 Andre Drummond has been traded but they didn't manage to move anyone else. Derrick Rose now has a nagging injury. It appears Christian Wood dunking the ball on everyone is about the only hope Pistons fans have for the rest of this season after losing to the Knicks for the first time in like 3 years. 25 Knicks +2 17-37 Does anyone know where the love of god goes when Julius Randle turns the minutes to hours 26 TWolves. 16-35 One way to turn around a bad season is to trade 3/4ths of the team. That is what the Wolves did completely changing the direction of the season. And it immediately paid dividends when the team hit 26 threes vs. the Clippers. Even though the season may be done it looks like the Wolves will still be fun. 27 Hawks +1 15-39 For the first time in 10 weeks I truly feel like the Hawks aren't the absolute worst team in the entire league. 100% deserving All-Star Starting Trae Young is putting up 30 and 10 every night like it's nothing. John Collins is one of the few players in the NBA averaging 20 and 10. We're finally going to have not only one actual center on the roster, but TWO with Clint Capela and Dewayne Dedmon coming here in trades we gave up basically nothing in. I'm still not saying the Hawks are going to make a push for the 8th seed, but at the very least we're going to look like a real NBA team for the remainder of the season. 28 Hornets -3 16-36 The Hornets have won just two of the past 15 games. These are the dog days of the NBA season, and for bad, young teams that means a lot of losing. We bought out MKG and Marvin Williams, leaving ourselves with a 15-man roster with an average age of 24. Tank mode is in top gear, and we are gunning for a top 3 pick. Hopefully this stretch will be good for developing some of our young players, 3 of whom (Graham, Bridges, Washington) will feature in Fridays Rising Stars Challenge. 29 Warriors +1 12-41 On first impulse the trade looked like it could have been a desperate move to offload DLo but I will keep my faith in Bob Myers and pray the change of scenery gives the Dubs the best of Wiggins. His fit is definitely better than DLo positionally at least when Steph and Klay are back. I was hoping the Warriors might package their draft pick for a more established player but excited to see Wiggins play alongside Steph, Klay and Dray. 30 Cavaliers -1 13-40 Cavs decided to give Detroit a few expiring contracts for the offseason in return for an actual rim protector that we probably could've used 3-4 years ago. We even gave him the welcoming that Cleveland is so well known for, a record setting blowout at home on a weekend where it just couldn't stop snowing. At least he's from Michigan and hopefully is used to the shitty weather.

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The assistant watch full length vs. The assistant watch full length movie. The assistant watch full length hd. The first book I ever ready cover to cover. I hope they do it justice. The trailer looks amazing, that's for sure. Part 13: I shook my head briefly, clearing my thoughts, and led the way over to others. “Ok guys, lets do this. Sera, on my right with Chris. Lucas on my left, then Seth and Sebastian please. ” Rank wise, I guess Sebastian should have stood closer to me, but I wanted Seth by Lucas in case things went pear shaped. I took a breath, squared my shoulders, and smoothed my expression. A quick glance to either side proved that my companions had done the same, and we were presenting a single, impassive wall. Perfect. Lets do this. Satan approached, with his court ranged behind him. Kali and Sebine followed a couple of paces behind him, and the Four Horsemen followed a short distance behind them. Good. I hoped the way that I had arranged our court suggested a united front instead of a dictator and their subjects. I have to admit, you guys, Satan was an impressive and terrifying sight. I struggled to keep an impassive face. He was tall, the tallest denizen of Hell that I had encountered, even taller than Lucifer. His skin was a brighter red than my friends, and where theirs tended to deepen to a bruised purple in the folds and wrinkles, his was black. It was jarring. His eyes had no pupils that I could see, and were completely black. His horns were massive, and curled like the Enforcers, like a ram. His leathery head was bald, and slightly scaly. Flames occasionally danced along his horns. His chest was bare, and roped with thick muscle. I wondered if he had hooves. Given that he was wearing boots, I figured probably not. He grinned maliciously at me as he came to a stop. His mouth was lined with rows of razor sharp teeth. Shit. That little voice in the back of my head- you know the one, most people call it common sense- said to me, ‘well, you did your best. Good effort, now we need to get the fuck out of here. Come on, turn around and fly. You can do it. Lets go. As per usual, I ignored it. I took a step forward, smiled politely, and offered my hand to shake. Oh shit, what if he took it? Would it burn? I tensed myself, ready for anything, and said, “Pleasure to meet you, your Majesty. My name is Katie, and I am Lucifers Queen. ” Staring at me intently, he took my hand. Phew. Unpleasantly warm, but not burning. But then he did that annoying alpha male thing where he tried to crush my hand in his grasp. I maintained my polite smile, squeezed back hard, briefly, and pulled my hand quickly out of his grasp, being careful not to flex it and betray discomfort. He smiled sardonically, and said, “The pleasure is all mine, Human. I have to admit, I have been… dying… to meet you for quite some time now. I have watched the effect you seem to have on my nephew and my children, and it is quite fascinating. ” He tilted his head. “Tell me, was it blood magic, or sex? ” His voice was coarse, yet at the same time smooth. Like old cracked leather. It rolled across me like an avalanche carrying boulders in its wake. I heard Chris draw in a sharp breath. I ignored him and instead asked, “Your nephew? ” With a quizzical smile. “Lucifer. ” Satan enunciated clearly, and waited for my reaction. I narrowed my eyes, briefly, trying to process the implications of that statement. I decided that was a rabbit hole I didnt have the time or mental capacity for. I shoved the panicked ideas down, and replied coolly, “Huh. No one told me you were Gods brother. ” Why had no one told me he was Gods brother? I feel like that was probably crucial information. I made a mental note to kick everyones arse later. I was surprised to note that Kali and Sebine looked just as shocked as I felt. Satan seemed a little taken aback by my lack of reaction, but quickly recovered. “Mmm. ” He confirmed offhandedly. “Tell me, Human. I am very curious, and not much in this existence makes me curious. How did you ensnare these… lesser beings? Blood magic, surely? Perhaps a combination of blood and sex magic. It must have been quite… tiring… taking control of them all. ” He eyed me up and down, leering at me. I felt like Id been rolled in dog shit. Ew. “That is not only my mother you are addressing, but your superiors Queen. I suggest you treat her with respect. Your Majesty. ” I was so proud of Lucas nonchalant tone. Nice work, kid. Satan shifted his gaze to my son. “My grand- nephew. ” He said slowly. “How… interesting. Tell me, where is your father, boy? ” Lucas gazed at him steadily. “You may call me Prince Lucas, Great Uncle. ” Suddenly, Satan roared, and the flames on his horns leapt. Lucas grimaced, but managed to stop himself from flinching backwards. So proud. “Lucifer is busy. He was certain that Lucas and I could sort this out. So now that introductions have been made, your Majesty, perhaps we could get down to business. ” I interjected in a bored tone. “And what business would that be, Human? ” Satan sneered. I looked him square in the eye, and said confidently, “Why, your apology, of course. ” He blinked. “What? ” He demanded in a dangerous tone. “Your apology. ” I repeated it slowly. “Thats why we are here, after all. To hear your apology and relay it to my King. Also, you will stop referring to me as ‘Human. Clearly, it is no longer correct. ” I snapped my wings open then closed again quickly. “What am I apologising for, Human? ” He said it softly, menacingly. I raised an eyebrow, and otherwise ignored him. He glared at me furiously. “ANSWER ME! ” His voice cracked like a whip with that same authority that Id occasionally heard Lucifer and the others use. That I wielded now myself, I reminded myself sternly. He repeated himself, louder this time. The words stung like knives on my skin. I was aware of both Sera and Lucas bracing themselves harder with a small gasp on either side of me. I smiled the same small smile that usually made Lucifer glare at the ceiling in frustration with me. It worked. Satan didnt seem to be one for ceiling staring, however. He roared at me, long and loud. Flames leapt in existence along his arms and shoulders. He peeled his lips back and showed me his rows and rows of teeth. I noticed his court take a cautious step backwards, before black spots started dancing in my vision. Refusing to give ground, I snapped my wings forward and around me, protecting my face. My court followed suit, Seth turning to one side to use his good wing, and Chris stepped behind Sera. It felt like my wings were being buffeted. Thankfully, they didnt sting as my skin had done in response. My head throbbed, and my vision danced. My existence narrowed to one repeated thought: “Do not move. Do not move. ” I couldnt tell you how long Satan roared for. Eventually though, my awareness increased outside of my own mind. My vision returned to normal, and while my head still ached a little bit, otherwise I felt normal. I gave myself an extra moment to compose my expression, then folded my wings back behind me with a snap, loud enough for my court to hear. Chris resumed his place at Seras side, Seth straightened, and everyone folded their wings back in unison, as if wed rehearsed. I stared at Satan levelly. “If you are QUITE done bellowing like a wounded bull. ” I snipped testily, hands on hips. “Why did you not answer me? ” He still sounded angry, but as if he was trying hard to control himself. I counted that as a win. “Oh, were you talking to me? ” I feigned surprise, and raised my hands to my mouth briefly, before allowing them to drop back to my sides. “Im sorry, its just you kept saying ‘Human, and well, ” I glanced at my court with a slight giggle, “theres no humans here! ” Seras lip twitched, and I had the impression that everyone was prepared to take cover again. Satan breathed hard, glaring at me. I met his gaze coolly. Suddenly he grinned viciously. “I shall call you whore then, since you are my nephews whore. ” My companions bristled, but held their places. I made a show of patting my pockets and looking around. Satan was nonplussed. Eventually, Sera asked, “May I be of assistance, my Queen? ” I dont think the last part was emphasised for me. “Hmm? Oh, I was just looking for a pen and paper. Anyone have any? ” I looked around. I could tell my companions were confused, but went with my theatrics anyway. They all shook their heads silently, eyes sparkling with the effort of maintaining straight faces. I shrugged, and turned back to Satan. “I just wanted to make a note to tell Lucifer, and tell him he owes me” I smirked lasciviously at him, “a fuckton of cash. ” I looked around Lucas at Seth. “Should I claim interest as well? Ive been gone for a while. ” “Absolutely, my Queen. And danger pay, I would expect. Some of the things you two got up to, phew. ” He kept staring straight ahead at Satan as he spoke. “Honestly, I dont think anyone here is surprised that I fuck Lucifer. Thats not really news. Hang on, wait? Do you not fuck your Queen? Is that why she is so cranky? ” I tilted my head at him questioningly, and looked from him to Kali. Her face seethed with rage. How very satisfying. Lucas let out a tiny strangled noise beside me. Sorry, kid. Satan didnt reply, just gaped at me. I didnt give him time to recover. “If we are quite done with insults and theatrics. Yes, this is Lucifers son. Yes, I am his mother and Lucifers Queen. Yes, that does mean that we” (stage whisper) “ have sex. And as far as what binds everyone to me… Well, I never thought Id ever quote My Little Pony to Satan himself, but its the magic of friendship. Arsehole. ” Kalis grey eyes flashed, and Sebine looked about ready to attack. Satan glared at me. I continued. “Despite your appalling lack of courtesy, I will still allow you to present your apology to us. Go ahead. ” I smiled graciously. For a moment Satan continued to glare at me, then began to laugh uproariously. He clutched his sides, and doubled over. His court regarded him, confused. Finally he straightened, wiped his eyes and said, “Apology. That is funny. ” He gave another little chuckle, before becoming completely serious. “You have surprised me… ex human. So I will grant you this. You may relay my terms to Lucifer. Next meeting will be the last, however. And if he doesnt show himself, then we go to war to extract our satisfaction. ” I looked at him quizzically. “For? ” The flames on his horns danced harder, but he kept himself under control. He spoke in clipped tones. “The kidnapping of my daughter, my 2IC, and her subsequent torture. ” I didnt look at Sebine, but I noted in my periphery that she was smirking at Sera. I cocked my head at Satan. “That truly does sound awful, Im terribly sorry that happened to her. Who was it? ” “What? ” He was incredulous. “Who kidnapped her? I agree, that was totally crossing a line. Tell me who it was, we will see to it that they are punished. And avoid any loss of life here, what do you say? ” He blinked at me, totally confused. “It… it was you. And my traitorous children there. ” He spat that last part with venom. “And I will not tolerate the insult of Lucifers entire court taking one of my own. ” I leaned around to him to look directly at Sebine. She glared back at me, a small smile playing on her face, and raised an eyebrow at me. “Sebine. ” I stretched the word out slowly, then wagged my finger at her. “Have you been telling lies, baby? ” She snarled, and ran towards me. Sera stepped in front of me, drawing her sword in one practiced motion. Satan roared at Sebine. Wow, really? His own daughter and he couldnt even spare, like, real words? I felt deeply sorry for her for a moment. Then an image of Seth screaming on the ground as that bitch ground her feet into his broken wing flitted across my mind. Yeah, nah, I was good then. Sebine pulled herself up with an obvious effort, and stood panting beside Satan. Sera sheathed her sword and stepped back into her place at my side, gazing expressionlessly at the two of them. “What is she talking about, Sebine? ” Satans voice was cold. Sebine shrugged, and shot a poisonous glare at me. “Answer me. ” He roared at her, and she cowered. I smothered the small flicker of pity I felt for her. “Father… Your Majesty…” I watched in satisfaction as she floundered for words. She turned her head away from him for a moment, to smirk at me. When she turned back, a single tear rolled down her face. Oh, that bitch was good. “Sebastian held me, while Sera cut me, Father. ” Satan started to fume. Kali smiled coldly. It occurred to me that she knew the full story. It was angels who had taught humans to lie, after all. I started to laugh. I couldnt help myself. Sera shifted nervously. I saw Satan draw a deep breath, and quickly raised my hand. “Sorry, sorry. ” I dragged myself under control. “Its just that… Well my friends always told me how lying was such an unattractive habit, a dirty human thing I guess. Now here we are, and Satans Queen is lying through her teeth, and his 2IC is lying by omission. You guys, I should have stayed in practice. ” I glanced around at my companions. Sebastian gave me a brittle, ironic smile. “Tell him the whole, story, baby. ” I spat the words coldly at Sebine. She stalked towards me, and I stepped to meet her. “He knows! ” She hissed at me. Yeah, what does he know, you slimy little cow? I caught her eyes with my own. “Tell Satan the whole truth about what happened with us, baby. ” She bared her teeth at me. I took a massive gamble. I glared at her intensely, gathered my thoughts, and let my newfound power ring out through my voice. “TELL HIM THE TRUTH! ” My voice rolled across the landscape, and Satans court staggered in surprise. Sebines face turned as pale as Chris had been earlier. She looked into my eyes, terrified, as she spoke loudly and clearly. “I went with them of my own free will, father. I helped them. I… I deserved this, because I hurt Seth. Badly. ” She snarled at me as the power of my compulsion wore off. I smiled benevolently, and turned to Satan, with my hands spread. “The issue seems to be resolved, your Majesty. ” I spoke cheerfully. He ignored me. Here. ” She whimpered slightly as she went to him. When she reached him, he backhanded her across the face, hard. She flew backwards. No one moved to help her up. He looked into my eyes, hatred obvious in those deep black pools. “Your Majesty. ” He spat the words. “It seems my court has betrayed me. ” They all flinched behind him. “Please convey to Lucifer that this was all a misunderstanding. What is it humans say? No harm, no foul? ” I smiled warmly. “Im sure that Lucifer will be glad to hear it. I certainly am. Just… one last thing, if you please, Your Majesty. ” He raised an eyebrow. “What? ” He snapped. I could hear Sera breathing harder beside me. I smiled warmly. “All I want is an apology. ” Everyone gasped. Lucas said quietly, “Mum…” in a warning tone. I held up my hand imperiously. “All I want, your Majesty, is an apology for our Second Lord. ” Satan flicked his eyes to Seth in confusion. “What do you want me to apologise to that traitorous dog for? ” He spoke derisively. “No! ” My voice snapped authoritatively. I was *this* close to losing my temper. I calmed myself with a struggle. “I would appreciate it, your Majesty, if you could extend my court the same courtesy we have yours. ” “ Your court? ” Shit. Had I said that? Bluff your way through, Katie. I stared at him levelly. Satan smirked at me, before saying, “Fine. What does your Second Lord require an apology from me for? ” I laughed gently. “Oh, no, your Majesty. Not from you. From her. ” I gestured nonchalantly at Sebine. Satans eyes widened in surprise, before he chuckled. “Youre impossible. You risk… everything… to try to extract an apology, for what? A little sibling tiff? Ridiculous. ” I cocked my head. “Respectfully, your Majesty, but no. I risk everything to ensure MY court receive the respect they are due. More importantly, I risk everything for my friends. Im told thats what makes me…. Remarkable. ” He nodded thoughtfully, giving me a measuring look. ” He snapped. She made her way over, clearly unwilling. “Yes? ” Her tone was sullen. Satan backhanded her again, never taking his eyes from mine. Fresh blood poured from her nose. She gasped, and tried again. “Yes, my Lord? ” “Better. Apologise to your brother. ” He barked at her. “Father! ” She squawked. “APOLOGISE! ” He roared. She stalked over to Seth, her eyes spitting fire. She stopped in front of him, so close that he had to bend his neck to look down at her shorter form. A small smile played on his lips. “I am sorry, brother dear. ” Her tone was anything but apologetic. He wrapped her in a bear hug, while she wriggled and squirmed, trying to get away. “Oh, thank you, thank you, sister dear! ” He exclaimed, holding her tight. He let her go and held her at arms length, then spoke coldly and expressionlessly. “Ill think of you when I fly around in circles. ” He shoved her back towards Satan, who laughed savagely as she stumbled. “Are we done here? ” His tone suggested that wed better be. I smiled warmly at him. “I believe so. ” He smiled coldly back at me, and gave me a sarcastic bow. “Oh, just one more thing. ” I said quickly. “Oh for fucks sake. ” Sera couldnt control herself this time. Satan glanced at her, before asking in a flat tone, “What. ” I looked past him to Sebines disheleved form. “Baby? ” I called in a singsong voice. “Oh baby? ” She spun to face me, hatred etched in every line of her face. I didnt give her a chance to speak. “If you decide to join us at the next Questioning, theres a place for you at our Court. As my handmaid. ” Satan roared with laughter, and shook his finger at me, before turning and sweeping his court before him, back towards his army. I turned to my companions, and indicated that we should leave. I leapt into the air, and they all followed wordlessly. We touched down near my- OUR- army. Lucas put Seth down quickly, and exclaimed, “Ugh. I need a shower. You two are gross. ” He waved his finger and me and Seth. “Danger pay. For the last time, I dont want to hear that stuff about my mum! ” Everyone laughed, and Lucas scowled around at us, before joining in. ”Uh, my Queen? ” Daniel diffidently asked for my attention. “Yes? ” I asked him with a smile. I stifled a yawn. Man, I was so tired. “Um, how did the talks go? ” “Oh! Of course! Im sorry! ” I turned to face the army. “Attention please! ” They stood up straighter, talk quietened, and they looked at me. I felt a little lost for words, to be honest. Thats not like me. Huh. I rose a few feet into the air. I told myself it was so everyone could see me, not because I was sick of everyone down here towering over me, and I wanted the confidence boost from being taller for once. “Luciferians! ” I exclaimed. “First, I want to thank you all for your service to me” oops- “and our King. Your loyalty has not gone unnoticed. As for the talks with Satan, we were successful. There will be no war. ” Cheers erupted, and they started to chant, “Hail Queen Katie! ” I was overwhelmed. Suddenly it occurred to me that there were many demons before me, and logic would suggest that they had friends and family on Satans side. Civil war obviously had not been a popular option. I filed that information away for later. I held my hands up for silence. “We will wait here until they have disbanded, just to make certain. They arrived first, they should leave first, no? ” Murmurs and nods of assent. “Ill leave you in Lord Chris capable hands, and take the remainder of the Court to relay the good news to our King. Thank you all again. ” Once again, the army cheered. Not gunna lie, it felt pretty good. I returned to the ground, and smiled at my friends. They looked at me thoughtfully. “You good with that, Chris? ” I asked, belatedly I guess. He rolled his eyes at me and nodded. “Shall we then, dear ones? ” Lucas picked up Seth again, and we all rose into the air and started winging our way back to Lucifers residence. As we landed outside, I rounded on my friends. “Now that were in private, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NOT TELL ME THAT SATAN IS GODS BROTHER? ” The temper that Id been working so hard to hold in spilled out, and I glared at everyone, hands on hips. “We, uh. ” Sera swallowed. “We didnt know, your Majesty. ” I glared hard at her and stepped closer, saying quietly and dangerously, “I told you not to call me that in private. ” Seth stepped between us, and held my arm without looking at me. “Thats enough, you need a nap, you cranky little bitch. ” Seras eyes widened, and suddenly I was deeply ashamed of myself. How had I let things get to a point to where one of my oldest friends was afraid of my reactions? I felt tears sting my eyes. “Fuck you, Seth. ” My heart wasnt in it. “Promises, promises. ” He quipped, and looked me in the eye. I burst into tears. Dammit. I sank to the ground, and let all the fears and frustrations of the past few days flow. Seth sat cross legged on the ground in front of me, and everyone else stood around awkwardly. I drew my knees up to my chest, wrapped my wings around myself, and cried and cried. “We might be here a while, guys. May as well get comfortable. ” Seths voice sounded like it came from far away. Eventually, I peeked out from between my wings, occasional sobs still wracking my body. “Im sorry, you guys. Im sorry. I never meant. ” I gulped. “Im sorry. ” I closed my wings and cried a bit more. “Does she do this often? ” Sera sounded alarmed. Lucas answered, “Ah, no. But then again Id never seen her lose her temper before Seth arrived. Or have a boyfriend. Its ah… its all new territory for me. ” He finished wryly. “Shell be fine. Just give her a minute. ” Seth said it gently. “Why is she crying? ” Sebastian sounded confused. “She got her way. ” Seth chuckled, before gently but forcefully pulling my wings apart and pulling me into his arms. I buried my head in his chest and cried harder. “Im not sure youve noticed, but our Queen tends to get a bit… one track minded about, well, everything. Then, when shes finished bulldozing her way through a situation, sometimes it occurs to her that perhaps shes been… less than pleasant to live with along the way. ” “Im a fucking bitch! ” I wailed. “Well thats not news! ” Sebastian exclaimed. I couldnt help but laugh through my tears, and managed to get myself under control. I pushed myself away from Seth and wiped my eyes. “Seriously guys, Im sorry for how I behaved to you. ” I looked guiltily around at everyone. To my surprise, they smiled affectionately back at me, even Sebastian. It was him that answered me. “We should know by now that… Well, your methods are absolutely confusing to us, but you always get your way, and most of the times that coincides with what we want too. ” “Is that supposed to make me feel better? Because that sucked. ” I glared at him, then winked. “Come on. ” Lucas said, pulling me to my feet. “Lets go see if… Dad is awake. I cant wait to watch you tell him you seized control of his army. ” “You did what now? ” The sound of his voice, although alarmed, soothed a concern I hadnt allowed myself to consider. The smell of hot cinnamon donuts and rain after a hot day filled my nostrils. I launched myself into his arms, then held him at arms length and examined him. He didnt look great, but then again, he wasnt dead, so I decided it was a win. I patted his face condescendingly. “Dont you worry your pretty little head about it, Lucifer, my love. Everything is under control. I took control of your Court and your army and sorted everything out. Im the Queen of all Hell now, so you can take up a hobby. Maybe knitting? ” His eyes grew progressively wider, and by the end of my statement he was spluttering and looking around wildly. And you know what? Its good to be Queen, bitches.

The assistant watch full length hair. The Assistant Watch Full lengths. The assistant watch full length 2016. The assistant watch full length video. SUNDANCE 2020 FILM FESTIVAL REVIEW!  The Assistant,  without a doubt, leaves a lasting impression for any woman who has experienced an oppressive work environment without recourse. I dont think theres a woman alive who cant relate to  The Assistants  main character Jane played by Julia Garner. Award-winning Australian filmmaker Kitty Greens follow-up film to her acclaimed film  Casting JonBenet,  The Assistant  speaks directly to the raw core of peoples existence. Their underlying intentions are seen through carefully planned and purposeful filmmaking. From her cinematography to lighting choices, to set design and dialogue, Green conveys a universal story that is  The Assistant. Inspired by the #MeToo testimonies that were a result of exposing Harvey Weinsteins predatory tactics in the entertainment business, Green tells a story that could happen in any office. Through close framing of her characters, Green subtlety builds an undertone of oppression that cannot be ignored. The film opens with Jane going to work before sunrise, and until after sunset, we watch Jane perform her duties and tasks robotically without joy or any satisfaction. She is surrounded by people who demean her while she systematically completes task after task. As you watch her take care of copying, stocking water, paying bills, organizing travel, dealing with emotional phone calls, and cleaning up messes, you appreciate Janes dedication. “…only to find a young, naïve girl…Jane becomes uncomfortable with this situation and decides to do something about it. ” Jane is a junior assistant to a prominent entertainment executive who remains faceless, unseen, and brash. Yet, his presence is always felt throughout the entire film via emails, phone calls, and muffled voices behind closed doors. She has landed her dream job as a film producer. When she cleans a couch and finds an earring, she returns to its owners, only to find a young, naïve girl from Idaho at a posh hotel. Jane becomes uncomfortable with this situation and decides to do something about it. After talking with the companys human resources, she is quickly reminded of her place and who is in power. Jane is also told that she is “…not his type. ” This phrase lingers and presents the real core of oppression, which Jane realizes immediately. Word travels fast how Jane is upsetting the work environment, and now she has to apologize for stepping out-of-line. Her boyish, ass-kissing co-workers feel the need to assist her in an apology, which makes it even harder for her to deal. She receives a response to her email telling her shes okay and that she still has a job. As Jane misses calls from her father on his birthday, and as her boss flirts with a woman for hours in his office, the drama mounts, adding to the torment Jane endures. Green created  The Assistant  from over 100 people sharing their stories with her about the industrys culture and system. The film is a positive step in the discussion on womens oppression in the industry. The Assistant  screened at the 2020  Sundance Film Festival. "…Green created The Assistant from over 100 people sharing their stories with her about the industry's culture.

Is this satire? Literally the poster child for I saw the whole movie in the trailer. Would LOVE to hear the trailer maker's explanation. YouTube. Bon iver - heavenly father in the background. Dope. Art from same CN auther, didn't find the artist, and circulate in CN webpages. Tell me if copyright infringement Warning, the article below contains personal opinion, contains guessing, contains in-game evidence, cotains real life story, and contains spoilers. May change your impression of this game. Operator in-game arts are from GamePress Wiki, Texts are from early version Wiki that may have some translation issue. Memes and images come from CN webpages, and widely circulated. If suspected of infringement please notice me. Most of the research prototypes came from a CN author, and I did translate and proved them by seaching things on EN wiki. CN author. AshuraSJ. His article in chinese: So far we have done the textual researchs about DeepColor and BluePoison, this time we keep going, do researchs about the new 6* waifu in Abyssal Hunter. This time I got some difficult problems, the original article, operator profile and audio seem to be full of poetry, I will try to translate them. Discuss below how to translate better. And I found some Skadi memes and jokes, I will share and explain. Bold part in the article are the important clues, may be helpful for understanding the story. Italics part is the text from GamePress Wiki, Profile and operator voice. Spoiler part is the related stories found in real life, personally think its interesting. For some profile and audio I made some personal translation for reference since I feel something wrong with official TL. This time we talk Skadi. Joke for FGO players: Sorry wrong one (purposely) This time we talk about Skadi, a mysterious operator in every sense. S skadigshovelWeight10tkiss apologize kadi. Skadi and Skaði The operator's name Skadi is from the winter goddess Skadi/Skaði in Norse mythology. Skaði loves winter and snow, likes forests and hunting, So regarded as the god of winter and hunting. The setting of the her Bounty Hunter identity was from here. Well, in fact, it's not incomprehensible that dokutahs are so keen on making jokes about Skadi, because her prototype has a certain comedic color in Nordic mythology. (In CN, she is in the third place of getting "persecution" they say persecution mean "make memes, make jokes, make doujins) first is "Donkeya/Amikey" second is " Rich Crying Jessica. Comedy of Skaði: In chapter 56 of the Prose Edda book, recounts to Ægir how the gods killed Þjazi, and Skaði- Þjazi's daughter, took a helmet, a coat of mail, and "all weapons of war" and traveled to Asgard, the home of the gods. Upon Skaði's arrival, the gods wished to atone for her loss and offered compensation. Skaði provides them with her terms of settlement, and the gods agree that Skaði may choose a husband from among themselves. However, Skaði must choose this husband by looking solely at their feet. Skaði saw a pair of feet that she found particularly attractive and said "I choose that one; there can be little that is ugly about Baldr (The god of light, spring and joy, is probably the most handsome in Nordic mythology. However, the owner of the feet turned out to be Njörðr (The god of summer and the sea, in charge of summer, sea, storm, fishing and wealth. He standing in the sea all the year round, so his feet were washed completely clean by the sea. unlucky Skaði. Skaði also included in her terms of settlement that the gods must do something she thought impossible for them to do: make her laugh. To do so, Loki tied one end of a cord around the beard of a nanny goat and the other end around his testicles. The goat and Loki drew one another back and forth, both squealing loudly. Loki dropped into Skaði's lap, and Skaði laughed, completing this part of her atonement. For more specific stories, please check the Skaði wiki: It is worth mentioning that she later had a perfect marriage, which is related to the final conclusion And now we look Skadi's shoes, she is wearing a pair of wide leather boots. This could be from Skaði (She is also called Öndurgud/Snowshoe Goddess) Her shoes More about her place of birth, Skadi born in "Ægir" in English "Aegir" in Old Norse mean "sea" also the name of Ocean god in Norse mythology. And Specter, who also born in Ægir Lesbian, Wet, Skadi, Specter, Nude Prototype As you can see in Skadi E2 art, her animal prototype is Orca (Killer whale) Skadi E2 art Orca Orca, also called Killer whale (Scientific name Orcinus orca) is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family (yes dolphin, not whale) of which it is the largest member. Its length is between 5-8m and its weight is about 4-6t. Killer whales are fierce and often prey on animals such as penguins, seals, sea lions, sharks (even great white sharks) and sometimes they attack other whales (such as the largest whale blue whale) you can call them Sea Overlords. Art Design Skadi's operator design contains lots elements related to Orca: Skadi's pants have two bare cuts inside the thighs, combine to the skinny black leggings and bare skin, it can be determined that this design originated from the fusiform white spots behind the eyes of the killer whale. Design of pants Skadi selfie. see the white spots behind the eyes Skadi's hat shape is derived from the characteristics of the killer whale back, it approximates to looking at the dorsal fin from a left angle and raised side fins: E1 hat, like a killer whale jumping out of the water E2 hat Killer whale jumps out Personal Profile [Place of Birth] Ægir [Race] Unknown [Height] 166cm Oripathy Status: Non-infected as confirmed by medical report. (Basic File) Unlike most Operators who wear heavy armor to protect themselves, Skadi relies only on her sword and her strength. Personal translation: Unlike most Operators who wear heavy armor to protect themselves, Skadi was able to fight against most enemies with the sword blocking and her body physical strength. In Archive File 2) Here is a funny thing, in CN and JP ver, there is an attribute. Body Weight] ██kg" for Skadi, and only for Skadi ( other operators don't have) I don't know if our wiki didn't cover it or they didn't put it into global ver. Weight and mosaic, presumably girl's reserved? Fight with body physical strength. She is Non-infected and done everything with physical violence. Forgive me for laughing. Someone guessing she is 10T weight. The engineering staff have tried to reverse-engineer her sword but all efforts have failed. The materials used to forge the sword are ordinary, but the craftsmanship is impossible to explain. Some Operators from remote areas have seen similar weapons (CN ver has: when they doing trade contacts) but are not aware of the source. (In Archive File 2) Mentioning remoteness and trade, associate "Kjerag" Silverash) but no detailed evidences. Have a bigger thing than SA (I mean, Sword) Curiosity killed the Orca (cat) Who knows what lurks within the kelp forest? In Battle 1) Killer whale is a very intelligent animal, very curious about everything. Killer whales like to hook seaweed in the shallow waters of the bay with the notch on their tail, makes translucent seaweed entangled with themselves. But sometimes trapped by the ship's cable because of that. Sword action (Why she called Skadig) Skadi wields a giant sword that splits armor, cleaves enemies in two, and busts through barriers. Her face is distorted and intimidating as she rampages through the battlefield in a bloody dance. It is as though she is fighting more than just the enemy in front of her. Personal translation: Skadi exaggeratedly wields a giant sword that splits armor, cleaves enemies, broke fortress; Her posture was twisted and wild, seems dancing exotic dances on the battleground, as if the operator Skadi was not trying to defeat the enemy in front of him, but fighting some distant and huge existence. All reports like this are rejected, as such poetic embellishment is not appropriate for an official report. (Archive File 3) The killer whale has a strong triangular dorsal fin towering from the center of the back, Up to 1. 8m tall. It has the role of a rudder, and also an offensive weapon for killer whale. With sharks, orcas may herd sharks to the surface, then orcas rotate its body and stick their tail out of the water, and use tail to slap sharks with a powerful slap to make the shark lose consciousness. The whole process looks like a strange dance. Cthulhu Here According to legend, my people (Ethnic) have fought against the calamities(huge thing) for aeons. Perhaps we* kept them from making landfall and terrorizing you city folk as well. So, how about buying me a drink, as a thank you? as a thank to me. Talk after Trust Increase 2) I can't explain, The Unnamable. Her social (Kiss apologize here) In fact, killer whales like social life, they travel together, eat, and use populations as social organizations, growing up with each other to survive, is a highly socialization animal. Some of their complex social behavior, hunting skills, and even voice communication are considered evidence of killer whales having their own culture. They always spends 2-3 hours quietly on the surface of the water every day, floats safely on the sea, exposing huge dorsal fins. Members maintain a gentle and friendly attitude towards each other, and even if there is a dispute between peers, they can quickly reconcile, and they will apologize and reconcile by kissing the tongue of each other. (Japan research) Lets imagine this: Skadi: Apologize! Dokutah: Sorry. Skadi: No sincerity! Dokutah: Then I kneel. Skadi: Don't you know how to apologize? Dokutah: What should I do. Skadi: Isn't it common sense to kissing for apologize? Dokutah. Damn I want it Hair My hair is long and beautiful. Well, thank you. Would you like to touch it. It should be* quite soft. I'm* confident of that. (Talk 2) I want it Friendly to Humanity Oh you, how are you so tenacious? Then I suppose I have no choice but to defend you with all my might. Talk after Promotion 1) The orca has a scary name " killer whale. but in fact they are friendly to Human. The source of this name is a captive orca 'Tilikum' in American Oceanarium killed 3 people; but it is because he watched his mother killed by humans when he was young, then was sold to the aquarium and subjected to 30 years of brutal training. The other reportes about hurting ppl later also happened in places such as zoos and aquariums. Like other dolphins, orca have always maintained a more friendly attitude towards humans. They never attack humans in the wild. Generally, they will avoid when they encounter humans, and sometimes they will also like humans. You can think of orca as larger dolphins, and there were news about orca saving people. Overall, this is an animal that is gentle to human. Photo of 2012 Spanish football team's Gerard Pique being kissed by a orca at the aquarium Personal character and story Now is the part about in-game evidences, same with previous articles, touching stories. Does that sound antisocial. Wandering alone is a heavy burden to bear. Sigh, she became a wanderer because she was trying to escape. and also showing some rebellion. Personal translation: How does she look like a person who doesn't like living with group? She is just a wanderer with a heavy burden to bear, a wanderer without home. Sigh, her stray was just a kind of escape, and this escape, was probably her meager resist. Archive File 4) Down beneath the vast blue sea. below the* white waves that lap endlessly at the earth, lies( buries) all that I once held dear. I fear that one day misfortune will once again take someone important to me. That is* why I fled. I* don't want anyone I care about. to* suffer on my account. (Suffer for me. Talk after Promotion 2) Most people don't know the only reason Skadi refuses to cooperate with others is that she "doesn't want to put anyone else in danger. Skadi claims everyone who has ever been close to her has met an untimely end. and as such she has avoided socializing altogether. So in order to protect her friends, she chose not to have friends anymore. Archive File 3) Put me in a room by myself please. (Assigned to Facility) I am quite skilled at teamwork too, however. Added to Squad) The loneliest one Although orca are a social animal, there are still few orca who leave the group and live alone for some reason (Mostly external factors) since such orca leave the ethnic group, they cannot obtain information and knowledge sharing among the ethnic group members, and it is generally difficult to survive for a long time. Combining with Skadi's experience, it is speculated that in addition to the orca species, Skadi's prototype also refers to a whale named Alice. She is called "The loneliest whale in the world. Occasionally, others (operators) have seen her sitting on the edge of the deck. softly singing to herself. Those who heard the song reported that although they couldn't hear the lyrics. the* tune was long, low. and* imbued them with a sense of tremendous sorrow. (Archive File 3) Cetaceans have strong vocal and even language skills, of which orca have the top spot. Orcas can make 62 different sounds. The whale, known as Alice, was discovered in 1989, and has been tracked since 1992. The reason she got attention was the frequency of the sound waves she emitted was 52Hz, while the frequency of a normal whale was only 15-25 Hz. Her frequency has always been different- which means that in the eyes of other whales, Alice is like a dumb. She doesn't have a relative or friend. No one hears her when she sings, and no one care her when she is sad. The first signal was captured on December 7, 1992. It's a Whale Song (a sound pattern for communication between cetaceans) over the next more than ten years, the frequency of the singing voice gradually decreased, from 52Hz lowed to 50Hz, it was always legible. In August 2004, a paper on the whale was accepted by "Deep Sea Research. A month later, the author died, but his colleagues began to receive letters about the paper. These letters are very different from past academic exchanges. Most of them came from ordinary people — sad people, heartbroken people, who heard themselves in Whale Song. So Alice's legend was born. People imagine her as a whale alone, swimming alone in the sea, singing songs that no one knows. People imagine that she has been calling her partner for the rest of her life, but has never responded. People imagine that she is a unique horn, facing the depths of the ocean, and shout sounds that has never been in the past and will never have in the future. Skadi, operator who has always been lonely, has been separated from her ethnicity, but she is not indifferent person who loves living in isolation. She did this on the one hand to prevent her situation from hurting close people, and on the other hand to find something that could solve the problem; Her preference for isolation stems from a desire to protect others. She has no malicious intent. However, she is hesitant to trust a capable, powerful organization like Rhodes Island. Personal translation: After all, for her, self-isolation is an act of protecting others. In the final analysis, she is not a bad person. But when groups with strength that can self-protection are willing to help her. she will* hesitate. This is because she believes she has to resolve her own issues. Why does she hesitate? The reason is simple, because she* really needs to solve her own problems. In our long conversation, I promised to her on behalf of the Doctor (and if the Doctor doesn't like this, well, it's for the greater good. that if an unknown peril hit Rhodes Island that we could not resist. we would* give her up. I came to two conclusions: 1. There is a secret organization to which Skadi has close ties. Not only is this organization hostile. it is* violent. 2. This organization goes far beyond just Skadi herself. From her description. I think* they experimented on Skadi. Or they could be* trying to entice her. induce her to do something. little by little. Another possibility is they can't control her right now and don't want to deal with her until they've crushed her spirit. (have no time to deal with Skadi, but want to hit her mental state, waiting for a better time. Skadi also hoped she could find something that would prevent future tragedy. Skadi also said that he was looking for something that might prevent some tragedies. Archive File 4) Combined with profile, this organization is not Abyssal Hunters ( Skadi herself is a member of the Abyssal Hunters) but a certain force opposite to the Abyssal Hunters. And does the purpose of this organization seem a bit familiar? Yes, actually these are the things that Specter has experienced. I cannot say what calamities I may bring with me. I'm the kind of person who will* bring you disaster. Onboard) I advise you to keep at least two meters away from me, for your own good. And of course you shouldn't speak to me either. I wouldn't want you to suffer on my account(suffer for me. Appoint as Assistant) You've read my file. Terrible, isn't it. Indeed, if you stay near me( if you want me to stay with you) the same* misfortune will befall you. and that's* trouble for me too. Talk 1) Skadi is very aware of her situation. In order to prevent this ulterior organization from hurting more people around her and those she cherishes, she chose to drift alone, take danger away from others by self-exile. Because her heart is so gentle that do not want other people get hurt, so she covered herself with a hard, indifferent appearance, with a cold attitude, to protect others from the evil that hurt her. “ One must endure without losing tenderness. ”. Che Guevara However, the cold and hard appearance is not seamless, her feelings and truth can still be seen through the little crack. She do something beyond the bounty hunter for Grani's wishes; She do allow the doctor to touch her hair; She do tell her past to doctor. The shattered dreams of the past, fragments of the memory, has always been regarded as part of her own. Only people who are intimate with her heart are qualified to be shared by Skadi with everything she has experienced. And doctor, maybe the one touched her lonely heart, the most important one for her. I advise you to keep at least two meters away from me, for your own good. I wouldn't want you to suffer on my account. (Appoint as Assistant) Down beneath the vast blue sea, below the white waves that lap endlessly at the earth, lies all that I once held dear. I fear that one day misfortune will once again take someone important to me. That is why I fled. I don't want anyone I care about. to suffer on my account. (Talk after Promotion 2) When you've made the long journey through the dark up to the water's surface. opened your eyes and had them* filled with the glimmering light of a billion stars as the eternal undulation of the ocean waves caress your cheek, lapped the salty taste of your tears that remind you of your salty home, can you imagine what that tiny bathtub here at Rhodes Island might be like for me. I'll have to show you my home someday. Personal Translate: When you go through the endless darkness. finally across the water surface. At the moment you open your eyes. brilliant starry dripped in front of you. infinite waves brush over your cheeks. tears taste like home, salty. Compared to that, Rhodes' bathtub is really shallow and narrow. I must take you to try that feeling someday. Talk after Trust Increase 3) In reality, the lone whale, Alice, like Skadi, dinally ushered in a turn of fate. In 2010, another research team captured the Whale Song at the same frequency as Alice for the first time in many years later. and it was detected in two places at the same time. One detected does not mean anything, but the hope. Maybe Alice finally found another herself with the same sound; Maybe she has always been a member of the special whale group, but just likes to act alone for sometimes; Maybe even after twenty years of roaming, she taught her song to other whales. At least it means she will no longer alone. maybe she has never been alone. Token Sheet music written in home language. Although you can not understand this language at all. But she did intend to teach you this song. (Personal translation, cause I didn't get Skadi, and wiki didn't upload this T^T someone tell me what's official translate plz) After go through the endless darkness, finally across the surface, Skadi, like Alice, probably found the one who might have same sound with herself. Maybe one day later, when Skadi can really stop worrying about her past, her will bring doctor to her home Aegir, look up at the starry sky in the wet and salty sea breeze. At that time, Skadi will no more lonely like the goddess who once faced Deep Winter Snow, no more lonely like the whale who once walked in the ocean. So far the research is almost done, if you think I made something wrong pls tell me below. Tell me if you like it, I will post more Arknights lores.

The Assistant Watch Full length. I am blessed with two daughters, just got my heart.

Her wedding gown on fire. That got me

The assistant watch full length 2017

The assistant watch full length tv. ”I WILL BRING HONOR TO US ALL” YES GIRL GO GET IT. 💪.


Hahaha my dyslexic brain though it was Christmas tree trailer. The BUILD Series should get 100x the views that it does. Next time secrets to a good trailer. Stop complaining that Mushu isnt going to be in the movie. They did it to respect the original story. (And the Chinese legend of Mulan or so.



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